man made out of vegetables

FDN Kudos Corner - May'18 and Prior

2018 Categories (listed in chronological order)

  • September 19, 2018

    • Leann Birch was mentioned in the article, “Young children’s oral bacteria may predict obesity,” published in EurekAlert! and in eGaMorning on 9/19.

    September 12, 2018

    • Congratulations to Claire de La Serre for being selected for the "Faculty Spotlight" in the Fall 2018 edition of the FACS Magazine. This publication was recently mailed to 16,000 recipients and mentions/pictures many FDN faculty, students, and alumni (including, but not limited to, Bill Flatt, Alex Anderson, Mary Ann Johnson, Leann Birch, Rob Pazdro, Jung Sun Lee, Jake Conner, Lynn Bailey, Rick Lewis, Emma Laing, Barbara Grossman, Josephine Martin, Ruth Taylor, Sarah Catherine Black, Sarah Beth Massengale, Merin Matthew, Jessica Wonn, Emily Selph, Tracey Brigman, Alicia Dickens, Yumei Manzano, Diana Rickets, Liana Mosley, Rachel Cleypool, Michelle Gooden, Courtney Still Brown, Taylor Burrage, Amanda Farzad, Josh Hudson, and Lindsay Lock).
    • Judy Harrison was featured in the article "Avoid the 'back-to-school plague' of flu and cold" that appeared in FirenewsCNN, and eGaMorning on 9/5.
    • Students in Caree Cotwright's service-learning course spent a few hours at the Clarke County School District Early Learning Center this week to teach 4-year-olds about corn as part of "Aw Shucks Day." Photos were posted on the FACS Flickr and Facebook pages on 9/7.
    • Photos from the 2018 FACS Leadership Retreat were posted on the FACS Flickr and Facebook pages on 8/24 and 8/25.

    September 4, 2018

    • Leann Birch appeared in the article, “Healthy Growth,” published by the NIH on 8/28, UGA Research News on 8/28, and in the paper edition of UGA Columns on 8/27 (also see Kudos 8/21 and 8/14).
    • Elizabeth Andress is the author of an invited blog for the International Food Information Council, published on 8/30. “Preserving Food Safely is More Science Than Art” captures an introduction to various methods of home food preservation.
    • Alice White represented UGA SNAP-Ed during the Georgia Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences (GEAFCS) Conference (8/28-30 in Madison, GA) and was featured in two Facebook posts from Georgia Peanuts and the National Peanut Board on 8/29.

    August 21, 2018

    • Leann Birch was featured in the 8/20 article, "Responsive parenting intervention results in lower BMIs through age three," in This was also shared in eGaMorning on 8/20.
    • Lauren Coheley was highlighted on 8/17 by UGA's WiSci: Women in Science. View photos of Lauren completing DXA and pQCT scans for her research study in this Facebook post on 8/17.

    August 14, 2018

    • The article featuring Leann Birch’s study showing that responsive parenting intervention results in lower BMIs through age 3 years, appeared in eGaMorning on 8/8 and 8/9, and on the FACS/UGA Research Facebook pages on 8/10 (also see Kudos 8/7).
    • The SNAP-Ed program was highlighted in an article posted in the Thomasville Times-Enterprise on 8/8. The article also appeared in eGaMorning on 8/9.

    August 7, 2018

    • Leann Birch was featured in UGA Today on 8/7 in the article, "Parenting intervention can result in lower BMIs." The article was also shared in FACS News on 8/7.
    • Elizabeth Andress was quoted in the article, "Inspection reports go beyond numbers, letters," published in the Newnan Times Herald on 8/6. This article was also featured in eGaMorning on 8/6.
    • Ali Berg was quoted in the UGA Extension feature, "Extension gives rural residents access to life-saving health education," published on 7/27. Included in the article is the USDA Cancer Prevention project (PI: Berg) and the CDC obesity prevention project (PI:Marsha Davis, Co-I: A Berg, D Murray).
    • Jordan Lord and Ali Berg authored the post, "Beware of the Health Halo," published in Walk Georgia's Notes for the Road on 7/27.
    • Claire de La Serre was featured in the 'Focus on Faculty' section in eGaMorning on 8/6 (also see Kudos 11/14/17).

    July 24, 2018

    • The National Center for Home Food Preservation is mentioned in two current articles as a go-to source for safe home canning. One is the 7/16 article in Food Safety News. The other is in the July/August 2018 Eating Well magazine in a feature article on pickling and canning pickles (the July/August issue is currently on news stands and not yet online).
    • Jamie Cooper’s study on vacation weight gain was highlighted in eGaMorning and in WTOP on 7/17 (also see Kudos 6/26).

    July 10, 2018

    • Mary Ann Johnson was quoted in the article, "FDA Modifies Nutrition Facts Label to Show Link Between Diet and Disease," published in One Green Planet on 7/2. The article was was also mentioned in eGaMorning on 7/2.

    June 26, 2018

    • Camaria Welch's thesis work has been highlighted in several news stories describing the partnership between FDN, the State Botanical Garden of Georgia at UGA, and the Northeast Georgia Food Bank (also see Kuods 6/6 and 6/19). The article has since been posted on 6/20 in eGaMorningAthens CEO, and in FACS News, on 6/23 in Online Athens, and on 6/24 in the printed version of the Athens Banner-Herald.
    • Jamie Cooper’s study on vacation weight gain was mentioned in the Caswell Messenger on 6/20 and in eGaMorning on 6/21 (also see Kudos 4/22/16, 6/16/16, and 7/1/16).
    • Judy Harrison wrote the article, "Fourth of July cookouts are perfect for friends, families, festivities, and food safety," published by CAES on 6/21. This article was also shared in an FDN Facebook post on 6/26.

    June 19, 2018

    • Elizabeth Andress is quoted in the CAES Newswire article, "Prepare your kitchen for canning produce this summer," published on 6/13.
    • Camaria Welch's thesis work has been highlighted in several news stories describing the partnership between FDN, the State Botanical Garden of Georgia at UGA, and the Northeast Georgia Food Bank. The goal of this project is to teach people to grow, cook, and eat healthy foods. The article featuring Camaria was published on 6/18 in UGA's Public Service and Outreach News, in UGA Today, and in an FDN Facebook post, and appeared on 6/19 in eGaMorning.

    June 12, 2018

    • Leann Birch was quoted in the NPR article, "Want Your Child To Eat (Almost) Everything? There Is A Way," on 6/9. The article was shared in a NEGDA Facebook post on 6/10, in an FDN Facebook post on 6/11, and in eGaMorning on 6/11.
    • The Peer Nutrition Educators have published their graphic highlighting 2017-2018 activities, which include over 100 hours of programming and over 55 services delivered. To view this graphic, visit the FDN Facebook post on 6/12.

    June 6, 2018

    • A photo of Camaria Welch introducing the Bee Smart, Eat Smart training curriculum to the State Botanical Garden’s summer camp staff was posted on 6/1. The Bee Smart, Eat Smart camp will be held 6/11-6/15. Funding for this project was provided by the Pittulloch Foundation to create a partnership among the FDN department, the State Botanical Garden, and the Food Bank of Northeast Georgia. This photo was also shared on the FDN Facebook page on 6/5.
    • Lauren Coheley’s paper, “Whole egg consumption and cortical bone in healthy children,” received media attention on 5/7 from the International Osteoporosis Foundation (also see Kudos 4/24). The post was shared on the FDN Facebook page on 6/2.
    • Rick Lewis' research project on the effects of egg intake on bone strength and cognitive function appeared in Columns on 5/17, the Red & Black on 6/2, and in eGaMorning on 6/4 (also see Kudos 5/16).

    May 22, 2018

    • Nick Slagel was quoted in the article, "Addressing sustainability across Colleges," published by the COE on 5/2 (also see Kudos 4/17).
    • Rick Lewis and Lynn Bailey appeared in eGaMorning on 5/18 for their respective research projects, which involve improving bone strength and preventing neural tube defects (also see Kudos 5/1 and 5/16).

    May 16, 2018

    • Judy Harrison was quoted in an article on 5/9 posted by CAES, titled “Wash fresh produce, including lettuce and greens, under running water.” This story highlights the outbreak of E. coli linked to romaine lettuce grown in Yuma, Arizona, and how to reduce the risk of contaminating food. The article was also shared in an FDN Facebook post on 5/11, in Online Athens on 5/12, and on Food Safety Net on 5/14.
    • Rick Lewis was quoted in an article posted by the COE on 5/9, titled “Eggy benefits.” Lauren Coheley and Emma Laing were also mentioned. This article discusses the recently awarded grant from the American Egg Board to determine if eating egg-rich formulated food products can improve bone strength and cognitive function in obese and normal weight children between the ages of 9 to 13 years (also see Kudos 10/25/17). This article was shared in an FDN Facebook post on 5/14 and in FACS News on 5/15.
    • Lynn Bailey’s leadership efforts in implementing new global approaches to prevent neural tube defects appeared in Columns on 5/14 (also see Kudos 5/1). The online pdf can be viewed at this link (story on page 2, lower right).

    May 8, 2018

    • Our Nutritional Sciences program received exposure via the UGA Admissions Twitter page on 5/7. The tweet and photo of FDN alumna Whitney Ogie is linked here.
    • Photo albums featuring FDN faculty, staff, and students attending the FACS Convocation Ceremony on 5/4 can be viewed on the FACS Flickr and Facebook pages.
    • Several FDN students appear in the UGA Undergraduate Commencement Ceremony highlight video, 'Georgia on my Mind,' posted on 5/4. The video was also shared on the FDN Facebook page on 5/8.

    May 1, 2018

    • Lynn Bailey was featured in the media this week for leading an international effort backed by a $734,437 Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation grant to reduce neural tube defects in developing countries. The project is funded through the hosting organization Nutrition International, and Dr. Bailey is providing leadership to the expert team charged with implementing new global approaches to prevent neural tube defects. News of this award was featured in UGA TodayFACS News, and the FACS Facebook page on 4/30, as well as in eGaMorning on 5/1. Dr. Bailey also received a message of congratulations from Provost Whitten for her involvement in this important work.
    • Jiyoung ‘Sammi’ Kim wrote the blog post, “Are there health benefits to gardening at work?” Her post was shared on the FDN Facebook page on 4/27.

    April 24, 2018

    • Photos from the student-led ‘Big Event’ in Tracey Brigman’s class were featured on the FACS Flickr page, linked here.
    • Photos from the Georgia EFNEP and SNAP-Ed conference in April were featured on the FACS Flickr page, linked here.
    • Dietetics student Savannah Duffy wrote the blog post, “8 Reasons to Visit Your Local Farmer’s Market.” Her post was shared on the FDN Facebook page on 4/23.
    • Photos from our Graduate Student Organization spring social at Escape the Space were posted on the FDN Facebook page on 4/20.

    April 17, 2018

    • Anna Mae Diehl from Duke University School of Medicine, delivered her seminar to our department on 4/11. Her presentation was titled, "Obesity Related Liver Disease." Photos were shared on the FDN Facebook page on 4/15.
    • Carla Moore shared the news that a UGA EFNEP success story was highlighted in the 2017 EFNEP Annual Report. Our program was one of only eight institutions featured in the report.
    • Several FDN students attended the FACS Ambassador Recognition Dinner on 4/10. Photos were shared on the FACS Facebook page.
    • Alec Pienta and Jennifer Ton (accompanied by Katherine Ingerson and Mel Wood, respectively) attended the luncheon on 4/11 honoring students who were selected among the top 100 Student Employees of the Year (see Kuods 3/20). Photos were shared on the FDN Facebook page on 4/11 and 4/12.
    • FDN students Riordan Dail, Melanie Ng, Nick Slagel, Alexis Nosiri, Samantha DeHart, Maleeha Rahim, and Abbie McBrayer were featured in the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics "Nutrition & Dietetics SmartBrief" on 4/13 (see Kudos 4/10), in an article published in FACS News on 4/16 (featuring a quote from Academy President Donna Martin), in a FACS Facebook post on 4/17, and on the Academy's @eatrightpro Facebook page on 4/17.

    April 10, 2018

    • On 3/28, Diana Williams, associate professor of Psychology and Neuroscience at Florida State University, presented her seminar titled, "Neural Integration of Satiety and Food Reward." Photos were shared on the FDN Facebook page on 4/4.
    • Alexis Carraway defended her MS thesis proposal on 4/4 during our seminar hour. Photos of her presentation were shared on the FDN Facebook page on 4/4.
    • Jenissa Gordon defended her MS thesis on 4/3. Photos of her presentation were shared on the FDN Facebook page on 4/3.
    • Jamie Cooper was recognized on the UGA Office of Instruction web page on 4/4 and in the ‘Celebrating Academic Achievement Faculty’ email on 4/6 for her First-Year Odyssey Teaching Award (see Kudos 3/20).
    • Photos of the 2018 Georgia Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (GAND) Awards recipients (see Kudos 3/6 and 3/20) were shared on the FDN Facebook page on 3/29 and appeared in the GAND President’s Platform email to members on 4/1. GAND recognized many FDN students, interns, and alumni at their annual meeting on 3/27-3/28:
      • Outstanding Student Award, DPD Program, Ani Powell
      • Outstanding Student Award, Intern, Elizabeth Klingbeil
      • Recognized Young Dietitian of the Year, Greater Atlanta District, Michelle Gooden
      • Recognized Young Dietitian of the Year, Northwest District, Alexis Roberts
      • Recognized Young Dietitian of the Year, Augusta District Sarah Tankersley
      • Emerging Dietetic Leader, Lauren Coheley
      • Distinguished Service to the Northeast District, Beth Kindamo
    • Lilian Sattler was featured in FACS News in the article, “FDN’s Sattler named first UGA CTSA KL2 scholar,” posted on 3/30.
    • Lilian’s photo was also in UGA Today on 3/16 and in Columns on 3/19 in the news brief, “President hosts luncheon for Lilly Teaching Fellows.”
    • Farmview Market announced Staci Belcher as their in-house RDN, offering nutrition and lifestyle counseling on one weekend per month. Read more on the Farmview website or the FDN Facebook post on 4/8.
    • Dietetics students in Emma Laing’s Fall 2017 MNT-I class (Riordan Dail, Melanie Ng, Nick Slagel, Alexis Nosiri, Samantha DeHart, Maleeha Rahim, and Abbie McBrayer), appeared in the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics weekly email blast on 4/4, Eat Right Weekly. The students are featured in a ~2-minute video about what being 'healthy' means to them. The video also appeared in eGaMorning on 4/6 and as a UGA Health Center Facebook post on 4/10.
    • Lauren Coheley wrote a blog post for Farmview Market during National Nutrition Month about how foods you choose to eat make a difference to your health. Read more on the Farmview website, on the Farmview Facebook post on 3/28, or the FDN Facebook post on 4/10.
    • Megan Houston authored a blog post that includes a recipe for "Veggie Medley Oatmeal" on 3/26. Her post was also shared on the FDN Facebook page on 3/31.
    • Dietetics practicum student Almaas Alam wrote the blog post, “Five quick tips on how to revive your wilting produce” for SNAP-Ed's Food Talk. Her post was also shared on the FDN Facebook page on 4/9 as well as on the UGA Hall County Extension Facebook page.
    • Recent news coverage of our SNAP-Ed program (including a photo of Jennine DeLane) at the Butts County Life Enrichment Team health fair appeared in the Jackson Progress-Argus on 4/9.

    March 27, 2018

    • Marina Tandoh was featured in a US News & World Report article highlighting how prospective international applicants to U.S. graduate schools can explore on-campus roles, such as research assistants. The article published on 3/23 is linked here.
    • Kristi Crowe-White, associate professor in Human Nutrition and Hospitality Management at the University of Alabama, delivered her seminar to our department on 3/21. Dr. Crowe-White's presentation was titled, "Modulating Oxidative Stress and Inflammation in Elders: the MOXIE study." Photos were posted on the FDN Facebook page on 3/26.

    March 20, 2018

    • Jung Sun Lee and the UGA SNAP-Ed team are mentioned on the Georgia Clinical & Translational Science Alliance web page announcing the 2018 GaCTSA conference award recipients (also see Kudos 2/27).
    • William "Will" Snead, SND student and assistant director of wellness at Cobb County's School Food Services and Nutrition Department, appeared on

    January 9, 2018

    • Recent photos from the SNAP-Ed holiday party and the FACS A
  • September 12, 2018

    • Congratulations to Art Grider on winning the Anne Sweaney Innovation Fund award for his project to develop animated videos that will enhance teaching and learning of the cellular and biochemical metabolism of iron. A FACS news article was published on 9/6, and this was also shared on the FDN and FACS Facebook pages.
    • On 9/7, Carla Moore received recognition as a New Extension Professional from Epsilon Sigma Phi Alpha Beta Chapter, an Extension honorary society. Five Extension district awards are given each year and Carla was selected as the winner for the State Faculty district this year. Carla was nominated by Elizabeth Andress and a photo of them from the awards ceremony can be viewed in the FDN Facebook post on 9/10. (The Northeast District and overall state New Professional winner was FACS Agent Carin Booth in Hall County, who has also been doing excellent EFNEP, nutrition, and food safety programming. Carin is a FACS graduate).
    • Congratulations to Lynn Bailey for her recent appointment to the Bill and June Flatt Professorship in Foods and Nutrition. The Board of Regents approved this appointment at its August 2018 meeting. Pictured here are photos of Dr. Bailey receiving flowers sent by Dean Fox (and delivered by Associate Dean for Academic Programs, Patti Hunt-Hurst) at the FDN faculty meeting on 9/7.
    • The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Foundation Scholarship Committee has selected PhD students Lauren Coheley and Carolina Cawthon for 2018-2019 scholarships (each scholarship provides a monetary award to pursue academic endeavors):
      • Lauren is a recipient of the Foundation’s Patsyjane O'Malley Memorial Scholarship
      • Carolina is a recipient of the Foundation’s Commission on Dietetics Registration Doctoral Scholarship

    August 21, 2018

    • Julie Jeon was recently informed that she is the winner of the GGBC/Illumina microbiome mini-grant competition. The title of her study is, "Changes in gut microbiome in ischemic stroke during recovery." Congratulations!
    • Congratulations to these students in the Park lab who received CURO Research Assistantships for 2018:
      • Madelyn Hansen, Nutritional Sciences, Summer 2018
      • Jullien Zukaitis, Nutritional Sciences, Fall 2018
      • Matthew Mcmillin, Major in Biology, Minor in Nutritional Sciences, Fall 2018

    August 14, 2018

    • Congratulations to Carla Moore who was recently named winner of the 2018 Epsilon Sigma Phi Alpha Beta Chapter New Extension Professional Award for the State Staff "district" of ESP. Carla will receive her award at the 2018 ESP State meeting at the UGA Georgia Center for Continuing Education on Friday, 9/7.

    August 7, 2018

    September 19, 2018

    • On 9/6, Lilian Sattler was recognized at the UGA CTL Lilly Teaching Fellows Reunion for the completion of the Lilly Teaching Fellowship, and she received an official plaque. Linked here is a photo of Lilian with the director (Steve Lewis) and co-director (Kim Skobba) of the program.
    • Congratulations to dietetics student and Women’s Track & Field team member Samantha Drop for being inducted into the UGA Athletics Leadership Academy. A photo of Samantha can be viewed on the FDN Facebook page, posted on 9/18.
    • Two FDN faculty have been named as recipients of the Board on Human Sciences Awards. They will be recognized in New Orleans at the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU) annual conference on Monday, 11/12. Stay tuned for an official press release by the APLU that will be released tomorrow (9/20 at 9:00 am EDT).
      • Judy Harrison will receive the Outstanding Engagement Award. This award honors an individual who is a “campus based” or a “state level faculty member” for exceptional creativity and scholarship in the development, application, and evaluation of outreach, extension, and public service.
      • Rick Lewis will receive the Undergraduate Research Mentor Award. This award honors a faculty member in the Human Sciences for exceptional performance as a research mentor for undergraduate students. This award was developed to advance the purposes of the Undergraduate Research Community in the Human Sciences and focuses on the scholarship of learning and teaching in preparing students for graduate education, the workplace, and responsible citizenship.

    July 24, 2018

    • Elizabeth Andress was recently selected as the 2018 GACTE (Georgia Association for Career & Technical Education) Postsecondary Teacher of the Year. The award was presented on 7/17 at the GACTE Summer Leadership Conference held at The Classic Center. This announcement including a photo of the award nominees was also shared in an FDN Facebook post on 7/18. Congratulations, Elizabeth!

    July 10, 2018

    • As a way to celebrate National Teacher Appreciation Day back in May, UGA's social media team created a post asking alumni and students to share their favorite professors from their time at the University. Alex Anderson was mentioned several times across the posts on the University social media channels, such as Instagram and Facebook.

    June 19, 2018

    • Emily Unwin is the recipient of the Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior Foundation Student Scholarship. She will receive funds to assist her with travel to the SNEB Annual Conference, which will be held 7/21 – 24 in Minneapolis, MN. As a scholarship recipient, Emily will be honored at the conference on Sunday, 7/22, during the George M Briggs Nutrition Science Symposium. Congratulations, Emily!

    June 12, 2018

    • Congratulations to Laura Triana who received the Burton-Fowler Undergraduate Research Award for her project, "Comparison of Blood Lipid Responses from Muffins with and without Pecans." Laura was nominated by her mentor, Jamie Cooper.

    June 6, 2018

    • Congratulations to Temitope Walker for successfully defending her doctoral dissertation on 5/31. Photos of her presentation were posted to the FDN Facebook page on 6/1.
    • Congratulations to Mary Ann Johnson who has accepted the position of the Jean Sundell Tinstman Professor of Nutrition and Chair of the Department of Nutrition and Health Sciences in the College of Education and Human Sciences at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Dr. Johnson will retire from her position as the Flatt Professor in Foods and Nutrition on 8/1, having served UGA for 35 years. A retirement reception will be planned to take place in November with details to follow.

    May 22, 2018

    • Neal Holliday received the Marion Louise Price Elkin FACS Scholarship for the 2018-2019 academic year. Neal will be honored at the Celebrating Excellence Luncheon on Friday, 10/12.

    May 16, 2018

    • The following students have been recommended to receive FACS scholarships for the 2018-2019 academic year. The students will be honored at the Celebrating Excellence Luncheon on Friday, 10/12.
      • Carolina Cawthon received the Sharon Boone Hamner Foods and Nutrition Scholarship
      • Alexis Marquardt received the Virginia Wilbanks Kilgore Scholarship

    May 8, 2018

    • Hannah Wilson received the Emily Quinn and J.W. (Joe) Pou FACS Scholarship for the 2018-2019 academic year. Hannah will be honored at the Celebrating Excellence Luncheon on Friday, 10/12.
    • Nutritional sciences major Natalie Amante was honored on the FACS Facebook page on 5/1 as one of FACS’ featured graduates.
    • Dietetics and Consumer Foods major Melanie Ng was honored on the FACS Facebook page on 5/3 as one of FACS’ featured graduates.
    • A photo album showcasing all spring 2018 featured graduates can be viewed on the FACS Flickr page.

    May 1, 2018

    • Lilian Sattler’s incoming PhD student, Rupal Trivedi, was accepted to the Graduate Scholars Leadership, Engagement, and Development (GS LEAD) Program sponsored by the National Science Foundation and administered by the UGA Graduate School. The spirit behind this program is to provide students with a stimulating, interactive, professional, and immersive experience in a broad range of skills, including leadership development, interdisciplinary problem-solving, and community engagement as they begin their doctoral program. More information about GS LEAD can be found at this link.
    • The following students have been recommended to receive FACS scholarships for the 2018-2019 academic year. They will be honored at the Celebrating Excellence Luncheon on Friday, 10/12.
      • Lauren Coheley received the Glenn and Helen Burton Feeding the Hungry Scholarship
      • Laura Triana received the Burton-Fowler Undergraduate Research Award
    • Emily Rollins and Emily Selph successfully defended their MS thesis work on 4/26. Photos from each defense seminar were shared on the FDN Facebook page on 4/26.
    • Nutritional Sciences major Nikhil Gangasani was honored on the FACS Facebook page on 4/30 as one of FACS’ featured graduates.
    • Dietetics major Maleeha Rahim was honored on the FACS Facebook page on 4/25 as one of FACS’ featured graduates.

    April 24, 2018

    • Dietetics student Ayshia Ranjitsingh was selected as the Seed Life Skills Public Health Intern for Summer 2018 - Spring 2019. Ayshia will be assisting with program evaluation, administration, and pilots for program expansion.
    • Rob Pazdro and Claire de La Serre were newly elected to the FACS faculty advisory committee and will serve two-year terms, 2018 – 2020.
    • Dietetics and Consumer Foods major Hayley Sanders was honored on the FACS Facebook page on 4/20 as one of FACS’ featured graduates.
    • Nutritional sciences major Aamanya Raval was honored on the FACS Facebook page on 4/18 as one of FACS’ featured graduates.
    • Kristine Polley successfully defended her doctoral dissertation on 4/18. Her seminar presentation was titled, "Differential effects of dietary fats on metabolism, cholesterol, and appetite." Photos were shared on the FDN Facebook page on 4/24.

    April 17, 2018

    • Tiffany Williams was publicly recognized at the National EFNEP Conference for her contributions to the WebNEERS Beta Testing Team. A photo of Tiffany receiving her award was posted on the FDN Facebook page on 4/16.
    • Staci Belcher was accepted to attend the Mary Frances Picciano Dietary Supplements Research Practicum at the National Institutes of Health 5/30-6/1.
    • Dietetics and Nutritional Sciences major Taylor Morris was honored on the FACS Facebook page on 4/12 as one of FACS’ featured graduates.
    • Below are the 2018-2019 election results for the FDN Graduate Student Organization and the Student Dietetic Association.
      • FDN Graduate Student Organization
        • President: Taylor Newman
        • Vice President: Xi Fang
        • Secretary: Hannah Wilson
        • Treasurer: Alexis Carraway
      • Student Dietetic Association*
        • President: Hadley Gordon
        • Secretary: Caroline Henning
        • Treasurer: Lindsey Woller
        • Communications Chair: Neal Holliday
        • PR Chair: Lina Abuhamdieh
        • Service Chair: Kate Lane
      • *SDA does not currently have members serving as Vice President or Social Chair for the 2018-2019 school year. If you are an SDA member and are interested in serving in either of these positions, please contact Ayshia ( to indicate your interest.

    April 10, 2018

    • Ruth Schade was mentioned in UGA Today for receiving Honorable Mention as a 2018 Goldwater Scholar. The release was posted online on 4/3. 
    • Nutritional Sciences student Riley Jenkins is one of UGA’s Amazing Students highlighted by UGA Today on 4/8. Riley mentions Rick Lewis in her bio as one of her favorite professors.
    • It was announced at the 2018 American Heart Association (AHA) annual meeting EPI/Lifestyle Scientific Sessions that Lilian Sattler will be the upcoming Chair of the Early Career Committee to the Lifestyle and Cardiometabolic Health (LIFESTYLE) Council at the AHA.

    March 27, 2018

    • Nutritional sciences major Liana Mosley is highlighted as one of UGA's Amazing Students (published on 3/25). Her bio mentions Alex Anderson as one of her favorite professors, and Liana also credits participating in the Ghana service learning program as having a significant impact on her career path.
    • Carolina Cawthon has been selected for membership into the UGA Chapter of the Blue Key National Honor Society. Founded in 1926, Blue Key is one of the oldest and most prestigious honor societies in existence at UGA. Carolina is one of 69 students across campus to receive this honor, as Blue Key admits only the most well-rounded individuals on the basis of leadership, service, and academics. A photo of Carolina was shared on the FDN Facebook page on 3/26.
    • The following members of our department are recipients of the 2018 FACS awards. Their formal recognition will be during FACS Week in October 2018 at the Celebrating Excellence luncheon.
      • Lynn Bailey, Bill and June Flatt Outstanding Faculty Research Award
      • Jamie Cooper, Faculty Mentoring Undergraduate Research Award
      • Caree Cotwright, Chris Todd Outstanding Outreach Award
      • Judy Harrison, Bill and June Flatt Outstanding Extension and Outreach Faculty Award
      • Hea Jin Park, Super-Includer Award
      • Sunhye Lee, Endsley-Peifer Student Research Award
    • Sunhye Lee has been accepted as a postdoctoral fellow in the fall at UC Davis in the lab of Helen Raybould (Department of Anatomy, Physiology and Cell Biology, School of Veterinary Medicine). Sunhye will work in the area of oligosaccharides, microbiota, and gut function.

    March 20, 2018

    • Marina Tandoh received the best poster presenter award at the Georgia Nutrition Council Conference in Savannah, GA, on 3/2. She presented her poster titled, "Nutritional Deficits of School-Age Children Living in Helminth-Endemic Fishing and Farming Communities in Ghana." Photos of Marina receiving her award can be viewed on the FDN Facebook post on 3/7.
    • Dietetics Senior Alec Pienta was selected as one of the top 100 students for Student Employee of the Year. He works for Katherine Ingerson as a Nutrition Marketing Clerical in the UGA Dining Services Nutrition Office. The UGA Career Center will honor Alec (and Jennifer Ton; see Kudos 3/6) at a luncheon on 4/11 as part of National Student Employment Week (4/9-4/13). Alec was also featured on the FDN Facebook page on 3/9.
    • Elizabeth Klingbeil received the Outstanding Dietetic Intern Award from the Georgia Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Elizabeth, Ani Powell, and Lauren Coheley (also see Kudos 3/6), were featured in a post on the FDN Facebook page on 3/16.
    • Lauren Coheley and Kristine Polley are recipients of the 2018 UGA Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award. This award honors teaching assistants and laboratory assistants who have excelled in the performance of their teaching responsibilities, ranking in the top 10% of all TAs serving the University. Lauren and Kristine will be recognized in the Honors Day and Commencement programs.
    • Jamie Cooper has been selected to receive a First-Year Odyssey Seminar Program Teaching Award. This award recognizes outstanding FYO instructors for their innovation, incorporation of the FYO goals into their course, and relating the seminar to their research. Award recipients will be recognized at the FYO reception on 4/12. Jamie was also featured on the FDN Facebook page on 3/20.

    March 6, 2018

    • Hannah Urban is the recipient of the 2018 Rita Waters scholarship from the Georgia Nutrition Council (GNC). Hannah's award was presented on 3/2 at the GNC annual meeting in Pooler, GA. As winners of the GNC student awards, photos of Hannah and Emily (see Kudos 2/27) were also posted on the FDN Facebook page last week.
    • Our work-study student in the FDN office, Ms. Jennifer Ton, has been selected as one of the top 100 students for Student Employee of the Year. The Career Center will honor Jennifer at a luncheon on 4/11 in the Tate Center Grand Hall as part of National Student Employment Week (4/9-4/13).
    • Two FDN students were selected to receive 2018 Georgia Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (GAND) awards. Ani Powell received the Outstanding Dietetics Student Award and Lauren Coheley received the Emerging Dietetic Leader Award. Ani and Lauren will receive their awards at the GAND Annual Conference at the Marriott Century Center in Atlanta on 3/29.
    • Sunhye Lee successfully defended her doctoral dissertation titled, "Preserving the Intestinal Epithelial Integrity Improves Metabolic Syndrome," on 3/5. Photos of Sunhye's presentation were shared yesterday on the FDN Facebook page.

    February 27, 2018

    • Emily Rollins is the recipient of the 2018 Holly B. Alley scholarship from the Georgia Nutrition Council (GNC). Emily's award will be presented on 3/2 at the GNC annual meeting in Pooler, GA. Congratulations!
    • Jung Sun Lee and the SNAP-ED team won the top award for their poster presentation in the "faculty" category at the Georgia Clinical & Translational Science (GCTSA) Conference, which was held on 2/22-2/23 in Braselton, GA. Congratulations!

    February 20, 2018

    • Congratulations to Art Grider for being selected as a University Diversity Representative. In an ongoing effort to enhance the diversity efforts at UGA, the Office of Institutional Diversity requested appointments for diversity representatives from each college and school. Dr. Grider is among the two faculty members chosen by FACS to serve as our college representatives for a two-year term.

    February 13, 2018

    • Tanacia Blackwell, advisor for our dietetics and consumer foods majors, is the 2018 UGA College of Family and Consumer Sciences Outstanding Undergraduate New Advisor of the Year. Her photo was shared on the FDN Facebook page on 2/7. Congratulations, Tanacia!

    January 30, 2018

    • Elizabeth Andress received the Georgia Association of Teachers of Family and Consumer Sciences’ Post-Secondary Educator of the Year Award. She received this state-wide award at the GATFACS Annual Meeting Awards Luncheon held on 1/26 at the Grand Hyatt Atlanta in Buckhead. A photo of Elizabeth receiving her award can be viewed on our Facebook page. Congratulations!
    • Nutritional Sciences major Liana Mosley was fourth runner-up in the Miss University of Georgia 2018 annual scholarship pageant held on 1/20 in the UGA Fine Arts Auditorium. The Miss UGA Scholarship Pageant is a program of the Tate Student Center within UGA’s Division of Student Affairs. The UGA Today news release featuring Liana can be accessed at this link. Congratulations!

    January 9, 2018

    • The 2018 FACS Legislative Aide placements have been confirmed and include Dietetics major Jake Conner. He has been confirmed with Spencer Frye. Congratulations!
  • August 21, 2018

    • Alex Anderson is a Co-I on a recently funded grant titled, "Intervention in low guinea fowl productivity and related product consumption in Burkina Faso and Niger." The sponsor is the University of Florida and the PI is William Kisaalita (School of Chemical, Materials, and Biomedical Engineering). Congratulations!

    August 14, 2018

    • Jamie Cooper received a grant from the CTRU Seed Grant program titled, "Comparison of Blood Lipid Responses from Diets Enriched with Cottonseed Oil versus Olive Oil in Adults with High Cholesterol: A Pilot Study." Congratulations!

    June 6, 2018

    • Lilian Sattler’s funded KL2 study, “Effect of dietary approaches to stop hypertension eating pattern on hemodynamic markers in advanced heart failure patients,” is now public on NCT03538990 (also see Kudos 10/31/17).

    May 22, 2018

    • Ginnefer Cox and Carla Moore were awarded a FY19 Junior Faculty Seed Grant from the UGA Office of Research. The title of their project is, "Sensory Evaluation of Recipes Targeted to Limited Resource Consumers." The internal seed grants are designed to support and encourage the development of a strong program of research or scholarship by early-career tenure-track faculty. Grants are intended to fund pilot research that can be used to leverage extramural research grant opportunities. Congratulations!

    March 20, 2018

    • Marina Tandoh received a 2018 Innovative and Interdisciplinary Research Grant for graduate students from the UGA Graduate School. The Graduate School established this program as part of its strategic initiative to support innovation and interdisciplinarity in the research being conducted by doctoral students. Marina was also featured on the FDN Facebook page on 3/14. Congratulations!

    February 6, 2018

    • Alex Anderson is Co-PI on a grant recently funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, titled “An Innovative Passive Dietary Monitoring System.” The objective of the project is to develop and provide a passive dietary monitoring system for both adults and children living in low or middle-income countries, which will accurately report individual food and nutritional intake that does not require active participation from the participant or external data collector. The overall PI (Benny Lo) of the consortium is at Imperial College, London, UK, while Alex Anderson is the PI for the Ghana site of the project. This is an international collaborative project with a consortium of partners from three continents and from five research institutions (Imperial College, London, UK; University of Pittsburgh; University of Alabama; Boston University; and the University of Georgia) bringing engineering and nutritional experts together to develop new technological solutions and diagnostic tools to enable accurate measurement of individual nutrient intake in LMICs. Congratulations, Alex!

    January 16, 2018

    • Jamie Cooper received a competitive proposal from the UGA Graduate School to fund recruitment and development of an 8000-level course in the PhD program. Congratulations!
  • September 19, 2018

    • Elizabeth Andress has a new publication in Food Protection Trends. The citation is: Breidt Jr, F., Andress, E.L., & Ingham, B. (2018). Recommendations for designing and conducting cold-fill hold challenge studies for acidified food products. Food Protection Trends, 38(5), 322-328.
    • Dietetics student Sara Dort completed an internship this summer under the direction of Neal Barnard at the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine. During her time there, she contributed as a co-author on a paper that was recently published in Nutrients. The citation is: Kahleova, H., Dort, S., Barnard, N., Holubkov, R. (2018). A plant-based high-carbohydrate, low-fat diet in overweight individuals in a 16-week randomized clinical trial: the role of carbohydrates. Nutrients 2018, 10, 1302; doi:10.3390/nu10091302.

    July 10, 2018

    • Rick Lewis and colleagues learned that their paper, “Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D and intact parathyroid hormone influences muscle outcomes in children and adolescents,” has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research. Authors include: Christian Wright, Emma Laing, Norman Pollock, Dorothy Hausman, Connie Weaver, Berdine Martin, George McCabe, Munro Peacock, Stuart Warden, Kathleen Hill Gallant, and Rick Lewis.

    June 26, 2018

    • Hea Jin Park's research team was informed on 6/24 that their manuscript, "Depletion of Regulator-of-G-protein signaling-10 in mice exaggerates high-fat diet-induced insulin resistance and inflammation, and this effect is mitigated by dietary green tea extract," has been accepted for publication in Nutrition Research. The authors are: Xi Fang, Jaegwon Chung, Erik Olsen, Isabelle Snider, Rachael Earls, Julie Jeon, Hea Jin Park, and Jae-Kyung Lee. Congratulations!

    June 12, 2018

    • "100 Years Enriching Lives: Family and Consumer Sciences at UGA," features many individuals and images from our department. The book is distributed through UGA Press and orders can be placed online, here.

    May 22, 2018

    • Michael Francis and Art Grider published a paper appearing in Biometals on 5/16. The title is, "Bioinformatic analysis of the metal response element and zinc-dependent gene regulation via the metal response element-binding transcription factor 1 in Caco-2 cells." The link to the full-text article is here.

    May 16, 2018

    • Jung Sun Lee and her research team published a paper appearing in Taylor & Francis Online on 5/14. The title is "Social marketing nutrition education for low-income population," and the authors are: Rachel Hagues, Sarah Stotz, Austin Childers, Joe Phua, Judy Hibbs, Deborah Murray, and Jung Sun Lee.

    April 24, 2018

    • Lauren Coheley's manuscript titled, "Whole egg consumption and cortical bone in healthy children," was recently accepted for publication in Osteoporosis International. Co-authors include Joe Kindler, Emma Laing, Connie Weaver, Kathleen Hill Gallant, Assaf Oshri, Stuart Warden, Munro Peacock, and Rick Lewis

    April 17, 2018

    • Two new resources were uploaded to the National Center for Home Food Preservation (NCHFP) website, under the What's New menu:
      • An article on preserving onions, which is one of the series, "Resources for Home Preserving...X" (Figs, Okra, Onions, Peaches, Tomatoes, Pumpkins, etc.). With the help of MS/DI student Hannah Wilson, this newest page pulls together some brief information about preserving onions and using them in relishes.
      • With the help of Carolyn Ainslie, the NCHFP has developed a new and improved set of directions for making and canning a basic orange marmalade.

    March 27, 2018

    • Lynn Bailey is co-author on a paper recently accepted for publication in the Annals of the NY Academy of Sciences. The citation is: Martinez H, Weakland AP, Bailey LB, Botto L, De-Regil LM, Brown KH. Improving maternal folate status to prevent infant neural tube defects: working group conclusions and a framework for action. Ann NY Acad Sci. doi:10.1111/nyas.13593, 2018. The abstract is linked here.
    • Jiyoung (Sammi) Kim and Claire de La Serre have a paper recently accepted for publication in Physiology & Behavior. The citation is: Kim JS, de La Serre CB. Diet, gut microbiota composition and feeding behavior, Physiology & Behavior, 2018.

    March 6, 2018

    • Ali Berg and colleagues recently published a paper in the Journal of Nutrition in Gerontology and Geriatrics. The citation is: Berg AC, Johnson KB, Straight CR, Reed RA, O’Connor PJ, Evans EM, Johnson MA. Flexible eating behavior predicts greater weight loss following a diet and exercise intervention in older women. 2018 Journal of Nutrition in Gerontology and Geriatrics. The article was published online on 3/1.
    • PhD student Yuta Ishikawa and colleagues recently published a paper in Appetite. The citation is: Takeda W, Melby MK, Ishikawa Y. Who eats with family and how often? Household members and work styles influence frequency of family meals in urban Japan. 2018 Appetite. The article was published online on 2/12.

    February 13, 2018

    • Rick Lewis is co-author on a paper in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise that was accepted for publication on 2/9. The title is, “Predicting diaphyseal cortical bone status using measures of muscle force capacity,” and the lead author is Simon Higgins.

    January 16, 2018

    • Carolina Cawthon and Claire de La Serre learned that their paper, “Gut bacteria interaction with vagal afferents,” was recently accepted for publication in Brain Research.

    January 9, 2018

    • Sepideh Kaviani and Jamie Cooper learned that their paper was recently accepted for publication in Nutrition in Clinical Practice. The citation is: Kaviani S, Schoeller DA, Ravussin E, Melanson EL, Henes ST, Dugas LR, Dechert RE, Mitri GE, Schoffelen PF, Gubbels P, Tornberg A, Fritzdorf S, Akkermans M, Cooper JA. Determining the Accuracy and Reliability of Indirect Calorimeters Utilizing the Methanol Combustion Technique. 2018 Nutrition in Clinical Practice, In Press.
    • Sarah Stotz and Jung Sun Lee learned that their paper was recently accepted for publication in the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. The citation is: Stotz S and Lee JS. Development of an Online Smartphone-based eLearning Nutrition Education Program for Low-Income Individuals. 2018 Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, In PressAvailable online 8 January 2018.
  • September 14, 2018

    • Doctoral candidate Lauren Coheley delivered her off-topic FDN seminar on Wednesday, 9/12, entitled, "The Link Between Diet, Inflammation, and Bone Outcomes." A photo of Lauren can be viewed on the FDN Facebook page, posted on 9/13.
    • Caree Cotwright was the Keynote speaker along with Captain Meredith Reynolds, CDC Early Care and Education Team Lead, at the Children's Health Care of Atlanta, Strong4Life Early Feeding in Early Care Workshop. The workshop took place in Atlanta on Wednesday, 9/12. This conference brought together professionals in early care and education, health and nutrition, and child development to discuss early feeding best practices. Natahlie Celestin and Kathryn Kear were also in attendance.

    September 12, 2018

    • Rachel Duckham, Endeavour Fellow and lecturer at Deakin University in Melbourne, AUS, delivered our FDN seminar on 9/5. Dr. Duckham’s presentation was titled, "Let’s not forget the BONES of the problem - Preventing osteoporosis from its origin." Photos of her presentation can be viewed on the FDN Facebook post on 9/5.

    September 4, 2018

    • On 8/22, FDN welcomed Heather Padilla from the UGA College of Public Health for our weekly seminar. Dr. Padilla spoke on her expertise in health and obesity prevention research in the workplace. A photo can be viewed on the FDN Facebook page, posted on 8/23.
    • On 8/29, FDN hosted Marianne Shockley from the UGA Department of Entomology. The title of her seminar was "Insects as food and feed: An emerging global industry." Photos of Dr. Shockley's presentation can be viewed on the FDN Facebook page, posted on 8/30.
    • Elizabeth Andress taught a food preservation update workshop for retired Extension Family and Consumer Sciences Agents on 8/28 during the annual meeting of the GEAFCS in Madison, GA. She was assisted by MS/DI student Ani Powell. A photo was shared on the FDN Facebook page on 9/4.*

    August 7, 2018

    • Lauren Coheley delivered a presentation about osteoporosis awareness at the Delta Phi Lambda Sorority's National Conference held in Athens from 8/3-8/5. Lauren was invited to speak on behalf of the American Bone Health organization.

    July 24, 2018

    • FDN and UGA SNAP-Ed were well represented at the Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior Annual Meeting in Minneapolis, MN, 7/21-24. Photos from the meeting can be viewed on the FDN Facebook post on 7/24. The following posters were presented:
      • Lee JS, Childers A, Akin J, Habibi M, Cotto-Rivera E, Roberts S. Impact of social marketing interventions aiming to increase fruit and vegetable consumption in low-income adults in Georgia.
      • Slagel N, Newman T, Sanville L, Dallas J, Thurman S, Cummings P, Cotto-Rivera E, Thompson J, Lee JS. The effects of a fruit and vegetable prescription program (FVRx)® for low-income individuals on fruit and vegetable intake and food purchasing practices.
      • Berg AC, Yli-Piipari SR, Selph EL, Lewis RD, Laing EM, Hollingsworth TL, Parris KO, Hartzell DL. Improving dietary behaviors among guardians of overweight Hispanic adolescents: an evaluation of the CORE nutrition education program.
    • Elizabeth Klingbeil delivered an oral presentation at the Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior's Annual Meeting in Bonita Springs, FL, which took place 7/17-21. The title of her talk was, "Potato resistant starch supplementation improves microbiota dysbiosis, inflammation and vagal signaling in high fat fed rats." Photos of Elizabeth's presentation can be viewed on the FDN Facebook post on 7/24. Co-authors include: Carolina Cawthon, Rebecca Kirkland, and Claire de La Serre.

    June 19, 2018

    • Camaria Welch presented an oral student presentation at the American Public Gardens Association National Conference in Anaheim, CA. Her talk was entitled: "Bee Smart, Eat Smart: A pollinated foods garden curriculum to improve attitudes towards fruits and vegetables among children." Photos of Camaria and her mentor, Caree Cotwright, can be viewed in the FDN Facebook post on 6/13.

    June 12, 2018

    • Photos submitted thus far from the American Society for Nutrition annual meeting were shared on the FDN Facebook page on 6/11 and include the following posters:
      • Francis M and Grider A. The proximity of the metal regulatory element to microRNA genes within the human genome: in silico analysis.
      • Fang X, Chung J, Olsen E, Jeon J, Lee JK, and Park HJ. The role RGS10 in serum lipid profile and hepatic antioxidant defenses in mice fed high-fat diet.

    June 6, 2018

    • For those of you attending the American Society for Nutrition Annual Meeting (Nutrition 2018), which will be held 6/9-6/12 in Boston, MA, please email with news/details/photos of your posters and presentations.

    May 16, 2018

    • Sarah Stotz and colleagues delivered two presentations last week (photos were shared on the FDN Facebook page on 5/15):
      • A poster presentation at the GA CTSA Health Services Research Day in Atlanta on 5/9 [Citation: Stotz SA, Thompson JJ, Bhgarva G, Scarrow A, Capitano K, Cheek H, Harvey D, Murray D, Phillips BG, Lee JS. (2018) Development of an Evidence-Based eLearning Nutrition Education and Supplemental Georgia Produce Dissemination Model to Improve Food Security and Clinical Outcomes of Safety-Net Clinics in Georgia. Health Services Research Day, Georgia Clinical & Translational Science Alliance. Atlanta, GA; Poster]
      • An oral presentation to the Georgia Charitable Care Network Annual Conference on 5/10 in Lake Lanier [Citation: Stotz SA, Delane J. (2018). UGA SNAP-Ed eLearning Nutrition Education Opportunities for Safety-Net Clinics in Georgia. Annual Georgia Charitable Care Network Conference. Lake Lanier, GA; Oral]

    May 8, 2018

    • Please join Dr. Leann Birch for a seminar presented by Dr. Chantelle Hart, "Development of a Behavioral Sleep Intervention as a Novel Approach for Pediatric Weight Regulation," Wednesday, 5/16, from 1:00-2:00pm in Room S175, Coverdell Center.

    May 1, 2018

    • Lilian Sattler presented a poster at the Translational Science Conference in Washington, DC, on 4/19-20, titled "Effect of Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) Diet on Hemodynamic Markers in Advanced Heart Failure." Authors included: Elisabeth L. P. Sattler, Sandra B. Dunbar, Arshed A. Quyyumi, Jonathan R. Murrow, Richard D. Lewis, and Henry N. Young.
    • The ASPIRE Clinic hosted their first-ever "Financial literacy on the lawn" event on 4/20. Dietetic interns Hannah Wilson, Emily Selph, and Elizabeth Klingbeil shared advice re: how to eat healthy on a budget. The highlight video linked here was also shared on the FDN Facebook page on 5/1 (forward to 1:02 to hear our interns speak about the event!).
    • Several FDN students and staff assisted with the annual Athens Clarke County Health Fair on 4/17. Our dietetic interns hosted a table on nutrition myths, and Staci Belcher assisted attendees with techniques for healthy goal-setting. Photos of the event were posted to the FDN Facebook page on 4/29.

    April 17, 2018

    • Nick Slagel will present at the Spring 2018 Sustainable UGA Semester in Review scheduled for Reading Day, 4/26, from 11am-1pm in the Special Collections Library. The Semester in Review celebrates people, programs, activities and academic courses that are creating a culture of sustainability at UGA. The program includes brief presentations from Office of Sustainability interns, posters and table displays from UGA classes, announcement of Sustainable UGA Award recipients, recognition of sustainability certificate recipients, light lunch fare, and opportunities for networking. Opening comments will be provided by President Jere W. Morehead. The invitation and RSVP information is linked here.

    April 10, 2018

    • Taylor Newman, Emily Selph, and Hannah Wilson presented posters at the GAND meeting on 3/27. Photos were posted on the FDN Facebook page on 3/28.
    • FDN affiliated students (and their mentors) who participated in the CURO symposium (4/9-4/10) are listed below. The photos shared thus far can be viewed in the Facebook album, posted on 4/9. The news article posted in Online-Athens on 4/9 mentions Simon Chang.
      • Accacia Lawson, Sarah Waltrop, Travis Dobson, and Elise McDonald (Silvia Giraudo)
      • Shriya Bhatnagar and Emily Owen (Rob Pazdro)
      • Simon Chang, Brooke Datelle, Sohil Patel, Allison Rautmann and Laura Triana (Jamie Cooper)
      • Caroline Finn (Claire de La Serre)
      • Nicole Landry (Caree Cotwright)
      • Ayshia Ranjitsingh (J. Shannon, Geography/FHCE)
    • As Vice Chair of the Early Career Committee to the Council on Lifestyle and Cardiometabolic Health at the 2018 AHA annual meeting, Lilian Sattler organized and invited speakers to the panel discussion entitled, “Avoiding burnout and managing demands in academia."
    • As part of the same meeting, Lilian planned and moderated a session entitled, “3-MT competition and keynote by Dr. Penny Kris-Etherton.” A photo of her moderating the session can be viewed here.

    March 27, 2018

    • Alex Anderson hosted the Annual Meeting of the Western Region (W-3003) Multi-state research group in Athens (on campus) from 3/21-3/24. The focus of the research group is identifying parental practices that influence adolescent dietary practices. In all, 15 institutions from different states are involved on this project. Eight members from different institutions were physically in Athens for the annual meeting while the others joined by video-conferencing.
    • The 4th annual School Lunch Challenge sponsored in part by FACS and FDN took place on 3/24. Caree Cotwright was the event Emcee and member of the planning committee, and our UGA Peer Nutrition Educators hosted one of the information tables. The competing teams included: Last Resort Grill, Dondero's Kitchen, Taziki’s Mediteranean Café, and the Food Bank of Northeast Georgia. Photos of the event including several FDN faculty, staff, and students/interns, were posted on the FDN Facebook page on 3/27.
    • Lauren Coheley and Kristine Polley were selected to participate in the Celebrating Graduate Research to Improve Human Health event held on 3/22. Lauren presented her poster, “Egg Consumption, Skeletal Health, and Cognition in Adolescent Children,” and Kristine presented her poster, “ Nutrition for Human Health.” Guests at the reception met a very select group of UGA graduate students to learn about their research and development of innovative approaches to improving health. Below are the program bios, and additional photos of Lauren and Kristine presenting their posters can be viewed on the FACS Flickr page.

    March 20, 2018

    • Samantha DeHart, Dietetics major and member of the UGA Peer Nutrition Educators, served on the 'Food for All' panel on 3/7. The full story can be viewed in the Red & Black on 3/11 and on the FDN and PNE Facebook pages.

    March 6, 2018

    • An updated list of posters presented at the GaCTSA Conference is below (photos were also shared on the FDN Facebook page on 2/25):
      • Whitney Bignell presented "Inclusion of Older Adults in Georgia’s Clinical Translational Science Alliance (GaCTSA)" (Authors: Whitney Bignell, Valerie Kimbrough, and Mary Ann Johnson)
      • Ali Berg presented "Community-based educational intervention may improve cancer screening compliance in rural Georgia" (Authors: Ali Berg, Swarn Chatterjee, Hannah Wilson, Joan Koonce, Pamela Turner)
      • Ani Powell presented "Nutritional and health status of women of childbearing age in Accra, Ghana" (Senior author: Alex Anderson)
      • Marina Tandoh presented "The Disparities of sanitary conditions/habits and helminthiasis prevalence between school-age-children living in fishing and farming communities in Ghana" (Senior author: Alex Anderson)
      • Lilian Sattler presented "Effect of Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) Diet on hemodynamic markers in advanced heart failure patients"
      • Staci Belcher presented "Sedentary behavior and cortical bone in healthy adolescents and young adults: an isotemporal substitution analysis" (Senior author: Rick Lewis)

    February 20, 2018

    • Laurel Sanville, Austin Childers, Jennine DeLane, and Sarah Stotz presented on behalf of UGA SNAP-Ed at the Georgia Organics Conference & Expo this past weekend in Augusta (2/16-2/17). The title of their oral presentation was, "Oh SNAP! University of Georgia Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education - Innovation in Nutrition Education for Limited-Income Audiences." Photos were posted on the FDN Facebook page on 2/19.

    February 6, 2018

    • Attention faculty, staff, and students! Please help us share photos that will be presented during our Coffee and Conversation Alumni Event on 2/24. Upload your favorite new and old photos to this presentation, and the photos will rotate on a large screen during the event. You should have access to modify this file and insert new slides if needed (click 'Slide' and 'New slide' on the top menu). Thank you for your help!

    January 30, 2018

    • Ginnefer Cox presented a Sensory Science session for GA high school culinary teachers at the GATFACS Annual Meeting on 1/26 at the Grand Hyatt Atlanta in Buckhead. A photo of Ginn presenting and a quote from Dean Fox can be viewed on our Facebook page.
    • Three sessions were presented by FDN faculty on 1/24 at the state-wide Extension Winter Conference held at Rock Eagle 4-H Center. These educational sessions were organized and presented by FDN Extension Specialists, providing new trainings for Extension faculty from counties all over the state (photos can be viewed on our Facebook page):
      • Elizabeth Andress and Ali Berg organized and co-presented an educational hands on training session entitled, "Exploring the Marketplace: Great and Glorious Grains."
      • Ginnefer Cox organized and presented an educational interactive training session entitled, "Taste is Everything, Or Is It? The Role of Sensory Science in Nutrition Education."
      • Judy Harrison organized a session entitled, "Listeria: What it Means for Food Processors, Food Preparers and Consumers," presented to Extension faculty from counties all over the state by graduate students conducting research on this topic.
      • Ginnefer Cox will be presenting at the Georgia Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics ACE Pre-Conference Session A: "When Food Science & Nutrition Intersect." More information about the ACE Pre-Conference that will be held on 3/27 in Atlanta can be found here.
  • September 4, 2018

    • FDN alumnus Christian Wright is first author on the paper, "Effects of a High-Protein Diet Including Whole Eggs on Muscle Composition and Indices of Cardiometabolic Health and Systemic Inflammation in Older Adults with Overweight or Obesity: A Randomized Controlled Trial," published in Nutrients. A link to the paper is here.

    August 21, 2018

    • FDN alumna Janice Giddens (one of our undergraduate dietetics and consumer foods majors) had a strong interest in sustainability and completed a related service learning course in Ecuador with CAES during her senior year. She recently carried on her interests with a 2-year fellowship through the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND) in Rwanda (she was awarded the first International Fellowship from the Academy Foundation in 2016). Linked here is a short and inspiring video about her fellowship. Janice was hired in April 2018 as a member of a new Global Sustainable Nutrition Affairs and Research team at the National Dairy Council. She has also been doing work with the AND Foundation on the Future of Food Initiative, which addresses food insecurity.

    August 14, 2018

    • The Nutrition and Dietetics SmartBrief on 8/9 spotlights a Columbus Dispatch article on healthy lunches. The article mentions FDN alumna Joy Goetz with the Atlanta Community Food Bank. Joy was one of Dr. Fischer's graduate students.

    August 7, 2018

    • FDN alumna Amy Goss is quoted in the MyFitnessPal blog post, titled "Is the Keto Diet a Good Idea For Weight Loss?" on 7/15. The post was also shared on the FDN Facebook page on 7/27.

    July 24, 2018

    • FDN alumnus Norman Pollock was featured in the article, “Protective protein activated by vitamin K found, inactive, abundant in African-Americans on dialysis,” published by Science Daily on 5/18.

    July 10, 2018

    • FDN alumna Markita Lewis was featured in an inspiring spotlight courtesy of Diversify Dietetics. This post was also shared on the FDN Facebook page on 6/29.

    June 26, 2018

    • Lauren Coheley, Michelle Gooden, Lindsay Lock, and Staci (Nix) McIntosh have recently submitted their stories via the FACS Alumni "Share Your Story" page. Please share this opportunity (and link) with FDN alumni you know and invite them to share their story!

    June 19, 2018

    • Georgia 4-H is pleased to announce that FDN alumna Courtney Still Brown will be the new Extension Specialist: 4-H Healthy Living programs, beginning 7/1. Most recently, Courtney has served as a postdoctoral research associate in the UGA College of Public Health (CPH) and the project coordinator for the Healthier Together project. This community-based project is a partnership between Extension and CPH and is funded by the Centers for Disease Control. She previously coordinated and wrote curricula for the Action Pack Families Study, a USDA-funded nutrition and physical activity program in Colquitt County, another partnership between CPH and Extension. Congratulations, Courtney!

    June 12, 2018

    • Congratulations to FDN alumna Paige Berger for winning the Emerging Leaders Poster Competition (Maternal, Perinatal, and Pediatric Nutrition RIS) at the American Society for Nutrition annual conference. Paige is currently a postdoctoral scholar at the University of Southern California.

    May 22, 2018

    • Reminder for FDN alumni: Visit this page to share your story about what FACS means to you. The form is easy to complete, and you will receive a #FACS100 pennant in exchange for your story.

    May 16, 2018

    • Please share with FDN alumni: Visit this page to share your story about what FACS means to you. Our alumni featured so far include Amanda Farzad, Taylor Burrage, Alicia Dickens, Emily Yates, Kenneth Ivory, and Emma Laing. The form is easy to complete, and you'll receive a #FACS100 pennant in exchange for your story. This announcement was also shared in an FDN Facebook post on 5/15.

    May 8, 2018

    May 1, 2018

    • FDN almuna Aimilia Papakonstantinou is first author on a recent publication in Diabetes and Metabolism, titled “Effects of 6 vs 3 eucaloric meal patterns on glycaemic control and satiety in people with impaired glucose tolerance or overt type 2 diabetes: a randomized trial.” The abstract is linked here.

    April 24, 2018

    • FDN alumnus Joe Kindler was recognized on the 39th annual research awards reception website on 4/19 as a recipient of the 2018 Excellence in Research by Graduate Students Award (also see Kudos 3/20).

    April 17, 2018

    • Katie Barnes is one of our outstanding alumni! She earned her BS in 2013 majoring in Dietetics and Consumer Foods, and is currently the Southeast Technical Sales Manager for Mérieux NutriSciences, North America. Visit her alumni profile, here. Also see the FDN Facebook post on 3/19.

    April 10, 2018

    • FDN alumna Andrea Lobene appeared in a Facebook post by Food & Nutrition Magazine on 4/4. Andrea's blog post outlined how RDNs should respond to casual questions from others re: diet advice. Her post was shared on the FDN Facebook page on 4/7 and in the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Nutrition and Dietetics SmartBrief email blast on 4/5.

    March 27, 2018

    March 20, 2018

    • FDN alumnus Joe Kindler is the recipient of the 2018 Excellence in Research by Graduate Students Award in Professional and Applied Sciences from the UGA Graduate School. He will receive his award at the Research Awards Banquet on 4/19 in Athens. Joe was also featured in the FDN Facebook post on 3/14.

    March 6, 2018

    • FDN alumna and Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics president, Donna Martin, responded to the 2/1 Wall Street Journal Op-Ed, "Why do you need a college degree to give diet advice?" See the response, here.

    February 27, 2018

    • FDN alumna Katie Norris was invited to be a keynote speaker at the state of Maine’s American Association of Diabetes Educators (AADE) conference in October 2018. Because of Katie's work in diabetes e-Learning as CEO of The Healthy Goat, the AADE asked her to speak about using technology to enrich diabetes education. She will also be delivering a second presentation for a breakout session at the conference. Congratulations!

    February 13, 2018

    • FDN alumna Shelly Nickols-Richardson has been named Interim Associate Dean and Director of Extension within the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences at the University of Illinois. More information about her appointment can be viewed here.

    February 6, 2018

    • MS/DI alumna Courtney Vickery was announced as the new Director of Corporate Health Services at St. Mary's Wellness Center. A photo and additional information about Courtney's position was shared on the FDN Facebook page on 2/3.

    January 9, 2018

    • FDN alumna Marie Spano was quoted in the Bleacher Report article, “The secret (but healthy!) diet powering Kyrie and the NBA,” on 11/15. Marie is currently the sports dietitian for the Atlanta Falcons, the Atlanta Braves, and the Atlanta Hawks. More information about Marie can be viewed in her FACS Featured Alumni profile.
  • September 19, 2018

    • The TEDxUGA Student Council will host the Student Idea Showcase on Wednesday, 11/14. Currently enrolled students at UGA (both undergraduate and graduate students) have the chance to enter the showcase and have a TED-like experience as they share their own "idea worth spreading." Applications are now open at, and showcase applications are due Saturday, 9/30. For more information about the showcase and application, visit

    September 12, 2018

    • Let All the Big Dawgs Eat scholarship opportunity is a need-based scholarship open to full time undergraduate and graduate students. Each fall and spring semester, this scholarship awards meal plans to a variety of UGA students. For more information, including requirements and qualifications, visit this link. Applications will be accepted until 9/28.

    September 4, 2018

    • Kick off homecoming by attending the FACS Homecoming Tailgate right before the Georgia vs. Vanderbilt football game on 10/6. Tickets for the tailgate and tailgate ticket packages are now available. For information about this event and sponsorship opportunities, visit this page.

    August 21, 2018

    • Kick off the Fall Semester at the University Health Center (UHC) with free snacks, cool prizes, food from the Kona Ice Truck and Taqueria 1785, and helpful tips to keep you healthy and well at UGA! Magic 102.1 will also be on site with music and even more games and swag! During this FREE event, UGA students are invited to stop by the health center, pick up a punch card, and complete it for prizes – all while gathering information about UHC services at interactive booths hosted by UHC clinics and student groups. The event will be held on Thursday, 8/30, from 12:00-3:00pm.

    August 14, 2018

    • The UGA Bone Clinic is recruiting 9-13 year-old children to participate in a research study on the effects of egg intake on bone health and cognition. A post was shared on the FDN Facebook page on 8/9 with more details.

    August 7, 2018

    • The UGA Part-Time Job & Internship Fair will be held on 8/15. View this link for more information.

    July 24, 2018

    • Please alert your students that a new 1-credit-hour course has been developed by Ginn Cox and Emma Laing starting in fall 2018 titled, “FDNS 5900: Professional Development in Foods and Nutrition.” The flyer is linked here for distribution.

    June 19, 2018

    • Job Posting: Please feel free to share with your contacts. St. Mary's Health Care System has a job opening for a Clinical Nutrition Manager. This position includes both clinical and patient services management, and will require experience as a clinical dietitian. If you are interested in learning more about this opportunity, please contact Kim Hunter at 706-389-3669 or share the Facebook post from 6/12.

    June 12, 2018

    • On 8/15, the UGA Career Center will host a Part-Time Job and Internship Fair. The event will take place between 11 AM - 2:30 PM at the Tate Student Center. More information can be viewed here.

    June 6, 2018

    • UGA Dining Services announced in a post on 6/5 that “Sushi With Gusto” is now open for business in Joe Frank Harris Commons.

    May 22, 2018

    • Jamie Cooper’s lab is seeking men and postmenopausal women between the ages of 50-75 years, with high cholesterol levels, who are not taking cholesterol-lowering medication, who are not taking thyroid medications, who do not have diabetes or food allergies, and who exercise fewer than 3 hours per week, to participate in a research study. Participants who complete the 8-week study can earn up to $175 plus 8 weeks of free breakfasts and lunches. To learn more, please contact Alexis Marquardt (414-335-9416 or

    May 16, 2018

    • If you know of a student who is a first, second, or third-year student at UGA; has a minimum of 3.0 cumulative GPA; is a first generation college student; is eligible for the Pell grant and/or from an underrepresented population; and, is interested in research and graduate education, encourage them to apply for the Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement (McNair Scholars) Program. More information about the program can be found here.

    May 8, 2018

    • The UGA Facebook page is currently honoring mentors and instructors in recognition of Teacher Appreciation Day (5/8). Please encourage students to visit the "My Favorite Professor" post and leave a remark, so that FDN/FACS is represented!

    May 1, 2018

    • Although drop-in hours ended on 4/25, the UGA Career Center is open throughout the summer. If you are on campus, this would be a great time to schedule an appointment with our Career Consultant, Brittany Smith, in-person or via phone through your Handshake account, or by calling the Career Center front desk at (706) 542-3375. Summer is a great time to get a head start on graduate school applications or to get a jump on your 2018-19 internship and job search. 

    April 24, 2018

    • FACS Convocation will be held on Friday, 5/4, at 3:00 p.m. at the Classic Center. More information about FACS Convocation and the UGA Commencement Ceremony can be found here.

    April 17, 2018

    • The student organization Uplifting Parents (UP) at UGA is conducting a research study through CURO. They are searching for undergraduate and graduate students who are pregnant and/or have a child. The study questionnaire takes fewer than 10 minutes to complete. More information about the study and UP at UGA is available here.

    April 10, 2018

    • A new online feature allows students to check occupancy in UGA dining halls. More information about this service can be viewed here.

    March 27, 2018

    • UGA SIGNATURE LECTURE: WHAT KIND OF MENU WILL MEET THE CHALLENGES OF THE FUTURE? On 4/10 at 2 p.m. in the Richard B. Russell Special Collections Libraries Auditorium, chef and author Dan Barber will present "What kind of menu will meet the challenges of the Future? Exploring a new recipe for good food from the ground up." Barber is the chef and co-owner of Blue Hill and Blue Hill At Stone Barns, and the author of The Third Plate: Field Notes on the Future of Food. He has received multiple James Beard awards and was appointed by President Barack Obama to serve on the President’s Council on Physical Fitness, Sports and Nutrition. Barber has also been featured in the Netflix documentary series Chef's Table. Register for the event here.

    March 20, 2018

    • The Office of Emergency Preparedness is looking for motivated students to join the Prepared Dawgs Ambassador Program. Ambassadors will act as liaisons to the student body and work to promote a safe and prepared campus environment. Applications are now available and will close on 3/31. For more information about the Prepared Dawgs Ambassador Program, visit the OEP website.

    March 6, 2018

    • The deadline for the 2018-19 FACS Ambassadors applications is 3/7.
    • The deadline for the 2018-19 Peer Nutrition Educator applications is 3/23.
    • The SSAC is seeking interns for summer and fall 2018. The application deadline is 3/23.

    February 27, 2018

    • On Wednesday, 3/7, from 6:00-8:00 p.m., FAYO & Real Food UGA will host "Food for All" featuring a panel and discussion about food justice and food sustainability in Athens. A light meal will be provided for students in attendance.

    February 20, 2018

    • "Know Yourself, Find Your Path" is a workshop for FACS majors that will take place on 2/21 from 5:00-6:00 pm in Dawson Hall, Room 306. Attend this workshop to learn more about your personality and interests through a series of interactive activities, and find out how to apply that knowledge to your career decision-making.

    February 13, 2018

    • Student Wellness Week sponsored by the UGA Student Government Association is being held at the Tate Center from February 12th-16th. Learn more about wellness resources on campus and other updates, such as free HIV testing, free doughnuts and campus life-hacks, and two new wellness-focused icons on the UGA Mobile app. Two of the remaining sessions are: Wellness Wednesday (2/14) and Mental Wellness (2/16).

    February 6, 2018

    • Celebrate Heart Health Month at the University Health Center on Wednesday, 2/7, from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The Health Center will be hosting many free activities to kick off the UHC Heart Health Fair. For a list of events, visit this page.

    January 30, 2018

    • An Arch Ready Interviewing Session will be held on 2/1 from 5:00-6:30 p.m., Miller Learning Center, Room 101. In this session, students will learn different types of interview questions and strategies for answering them well; how to analyze a job description to identify interview talking points; how to market your unique strengths during an interview; and how to develop insightful questions to ask during an interview.

    January 16, 2018

    • Career consulting opportunities at UGA:
      • Individual career consulting appointments can be scheduled online through Handshake.
      • Dawson Hall career question drop-ins are held in the Dawson Hall main lobby on Mondays from 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
      • Preregister for UGA’s mock interview day on 1/19 for those applying to health profession schools (e.g., PA, OT, PT, medical, dental, etc.).

    January 9, 2018

    • Accelerated MS student Kathryn Kear and MS/DI student Taylor Newman recently moved into roles as UGA student representatives for the Georgia Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics' public policy committee. They have provided the following announcement regarding the FACS Day at the Capitol on 2/13/18:
      • Join your fellow FACS students, staff, and faculty for a unique experience at the Georgia State Capitol on Tuesday, February 13th, 2018. Policy affects every area of the dietetics profession, from funding community nutrition programs like the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) to determining what clinical services by registered dietitians get reimbursed. This event is a great way to become familiar with the legislative process while enjoying the perks of being a UGA FACS student (like networking with your legislators and other state officials!). Registration for the event opens Thursday, January 11th, 2018. Buses have been reserved to travel to Atlanta. Learn more about the FACS Day at the Capitol at: This announcement was also shared on Facebook on 1/9.
  • September 19, 2018

    • Dietetics student Brittany Bogusz has a colorful and inspiring Instagram focused on healthy and wholesome foods. Follow her @simplybalancedbritt.

    September 4, 2018

    • *The retired Extension Family and Consumer Sciences Agents who attended Elizabeth Andress' and Ani Powell's workshop at the GEAFCS Conference are still seen as leaders for foods and nutrition education in their communities even though they now voluntarily help our citizens!

    August 21, 2018

    • New and returning graduate students had a wonderful time this past week at the FDN Welcome Back Luncheon (view photos here) and at Dr. Bailey's home for the annual Welcome Back Dinner (view photos here). There was good food and plenty of ice-breakers for all at these events!

    August 14, 2018

    • A recent video from the Gastric Cancer Foundation titled "Breaking down digestion" features FDN alumna Ellen Steinberg. The video was shared on the FDN Facebook page on 8/9.

    August 7, 2018

    • Many FDN faculty, staff, and students can be spotted in the FACS Welcome Back to School Picnic photo album posted to the FACS Facebook page on 8/7!

    July 24, 2018

    • Congratulations to FDN alumni Zach Grunewald and Katie Norris on their recent engagement! This photo was also shared on the FDN Facebook page on 7/12.

    June 26, 2018

    • A photo of Alex Anderson's students on safari during their service-learning trip to Ghana was featured on the UGA Instagram page on 6/20 and in eGaMorning on 6/21. 

    June 19, 2018

    • Our students are having a wonderful time in Ghana! The Ghana study abroad program is led by Alex Anderson. This photo was also shared in an FDN Facebook post on 6/19.

    June 6, 2018

    • Jiyoung "Sammi" Kim is often hard at work in the de La Serre lab, but did you know since moving to Georgia, she has found a piece of Korea nearby? Sammi feels like she is home when she visits Koreatown in Gwinnett County to see Korean movies, which are released the same day as they are in Korea. To read more about Sammi's fun fact, visit the FDN Facebook post on 5/29.

    May 22, 2018

    • Did you know that Xi Fang (Chinese: 方曦) started learning traditional Chinese dance and ballet when she was 13 years old? She performed in a series of events in school activities at the Northeast Agricultural University (NEAU) in China. With an equal passion in music, she obtained her certificate of classical guitar at the age of 15 years, was a member of University Chorus before joining UGA, and performed a solo, “I dreamed a dream” from Les Misérables, in the 15th anniversary NEAU chorus concert in 2013. To read more about Xi’s fun fact, visit the FDN Facebook post on 5/16.

    May 16, 2018

    • Megan Houston started taking yoga classes in January 2017 at Fuel Hot Yoga. She says, “When I started doing yoga at Fuel, I began to understand what it meant to love your body and how beautiful each and every one of us is!” Megan recently received her JMY Teaching certificate and says, “I truly enjoy giving back to the Athens community by teaching yoga and I am excited to see how yoga and my dietetics degree will intertwine in my future career!" To read more about Megan's fun fact, visit the FDN Facebook post on 5/9.

    May 8, 2018

    • Nick Slagel grew up playing team sports, mainly soccer, and it wasn’t until after his undergraduate degree that he explored individual sports and activities. Nick says, "I started Kyokushin Karate in 2009 and was instantly hooked to the physical and mental demands of the full contact sport. Kyokushin was the kick starter to my pursuit in other ventures like trail running, mountain biking, rock climbing, and ultimately my career in public health and Dietetics." To read more, visit the FDN Facebook post on 5/2.

    May 1, 2018

    • Did you know that Fabiola Jimenez loves all animals, but especially dogs? She has always had a canine companion throughout her early childhood while living in Costa Rica. Once she started graduate school, Fabi was able to make this dream a reality and adopted a 3-year-old Jack Russell mix whom she now would consider one of her very best friends. To read more about Fabi's fun fact and to view additional photos, visit the FDN Facebook post on 4/30.

    April 24, 2018

    • Did you know that Hannah Wilson was a self-proclaimed chemistry nerd as an undergrad? When she wasn’t busy with dietetics activities, she was learning reaction mechanisms and perfecting her cyclohexane drawings wink She led organic chemistry 1 and 2 supplemental instruction sessions, assisted with biochemistry research, and received departmental and American Chemical Society awards in organic chemistry. For more information about Hannah's fun fact, visit the FDN Facebook post on 4/22.

    April 17, 2018

    • Did you know that MS student Kathryn Kear is an experienced traveler? She first traveled out of the country at age 13 years when she was an exchange student in Hanover, Germany. Since, Kathryn has studied abroad and has had the opportunity to travel to countries such as Spain, Italy, and Switzerland with family and friends. To read more about Kathryn's travels, visit the FDN Facebook post on 4/17.

    April 10, 2018

    • Emily Rollins started hunting with her father at a very young age. She says, "I have hunted whitetail deer, dove, turkey, and coyote. I was featured on the cover of the Georgia Outdoor Network magazine in 4th grade at a dove shoot I was picked to attend.” To read more and view photos of Emily, visit the FDN Facebook post on 4/5. 

    March 27, 2018

    • Did you know that UGA SNAP-Ed was featured last year as a 'success story' by USDA in recognition of their Food e-Talk program? More information about this honor was shared on the FDN Facebook page on 3/22.

    March 20, 2018

    • Kristine Polley started swimming when she was 6 years old and swam on scholarship all 4 years of her undergraduate degree at Florida State University. Kristine says, "My primary events were the 200 breaststroke and 200 IM (individual medley). I set Georgia state records in 2002 & 2003 in the breaststroke for my age group that still stand and haven't been broken yet. In 2007 I was a member of the National Junior team and competed and represented Team USA in Hawaii at the Junior Pan Pac Championships, and in 2008 and 2012 I qualified for the Olympic Trials. After college swimming, I continued coaching for a short time at my old club team and at Athens Bulldog Swim Club while pursuing my Master's degree at UGA." To read more, view the FDN Facebook post on 3/12.

    March 6, 2018

    • In her free time, MS student Camaria Welch enjoys cooking, trying new restaurants, and learning more about food. Camaria says, "I consider myself to be somewhat of a foodie! I generally like watching documentaries about food, thumbing through new cookbooks, or discovering new food blogs. Pretty much anything to do with food...and I'm there!" To read more about Camaria and to view photos of her in action(!), visit the FDN Facebook post on 3/6.

    February 27, 2018

    • Did you know that MS/DI student Hannah Urban loves thrift shopping? It combines two things that are very important to her; frugality and sustainability. Almost every clothing item Hannah owns came from a thrift store. In fact, her whole family uses thrifting to find gifts for each other that are thoughtful, good quality, and affordable. A photo was posted on 2/22 showing one of Hannah's *unique* outfit selections she chose for a thrift shop dance party!

    February 20, 2018

    • PhD student Lauren Coheley started running during her undergraduate years as a way to cross-train while being a collegiate cheerleader. Since then, she has completed countless half-marathons and full marathons, and has also completed several triathlons. She PR'd in the Rock And Roll Marathon Savannah Georgia (Full Marathon) finishing in 3:35. To view photos, visit the FDN Facebook post on 2/14.

    February 13, 2018

    • PhD/DI student Rebecca Gould loves hiking, especially with her dog, Lacy! Rebecca adopted Lacy when she was a little under 1-year-old from a rescue in Baltimore, MD. To view photos and read more about their hiking stories together, visit the FDN Facebook post on 2/9.

    February 6, 2018

    • Emily Selph, MS/DI student under the direction of Ali Berg in Extension, has been playing piano since the first grade. In high school she participated in competitions; she represented her school at the literary competition and won the region division five times and state division twice. She started UGA as a music and dietetics major but instead received her degree in dietetics and her minor in music. She also plays piano in her church and enjoys playing the piano for weddings. A photo of Emily was posted on our Facebook page on 1/23.

    January 30, 2018

    • Did you know that MS/DI student Emily Unwin has been practicing yoga for five years and teaching for two? She studied alignment-based vinyasa yoga and earned her RYT-200 Certification from Yogafly’s Teacher Training School in Auburn, AL. Her yoga classes focus on flow and movement with breath while staying grounded in proper alignment in the body. Emily teaches Monday nights at 7:15 and Wednesdays at noon at Shakti Power Yoga Athens. Photos of Emily were posted on our Facebook page on 1/11.

    January 16, 2018

    • We all know the adage that college is the perfect time to try something new and out of your comfort zone; however, did you know that Jenissa Gordon caught the ballroom bug and started dancing her freshman year at UGA? Currently, she dances with the UGA Ballroom Performance Group, a pre-professional dance company training in both Smooth and Latin styles. Photos of Jenissa were posted on Facebook on 1/16, and she will be performing during Ballroom Magic 2018 -- starting this week! Opening night is Thursday, and there are also shows on Friday and Saturday. Group discounts are available if we would like to get a large FDN group together to see Jenissa perform on stage smile For more information and to order tickets, visit the event page.
  • September 19, 2018

    • The Student Dietetic Association is hosting the UGA Dietetic Internship Forum/Open House Event on 10/10 from 5:30pm - 7:00pm in room 110 Dawson Hall. Programs that will be represented include: The University of Georgia, Samford University, Life University, University of Alabama Birmingham, Georgia Department of Public Health, Georgia Southern University, Augusta University, Emory University Hospital, Morrison Health Care, Georgia State University, Meredith College, and Appalachian State University.
    • The SDA sponsored internship forum (mentioned above), and our FDN seminar on 10/10 are listed as FACS Week events on this page. Please let me know if you have guest speakers in your classes or other events happening during FACS Week that we can add to this list, so that FDN is well represented.

    September 12, 2018

    • The UGA Department of Foods and Nutrition Graduate Program/Dietetic Internship will be hosting an Open House on Friday, 9/21, from 1:30-5:00 pm in Rm 216 Dawson Hall. Students, please RSVP to Donna Holcomb ( by 5:00 pm today (9/12) if you would like to attend.
    • The application for the Carolyn Berdanier Undergraduate Research Grant in basic science is due 9/17. The recipients will be recognized at the FACS Celebrating Excellence Luncheon, which will be held on 10/12. Please contact Dr. Hea Jin Park ( if you have questions.
    • The application deadline for the CURO research assistantship for the spring semester is 11/1. You can find more information at this link.

    September 4, 2018

    • The John Milner Nutrition and Cancer Prevention Research Practicum will be held 3/11-3/15/19. This one-week intense learning session is offered by the NIH and the USDA and provides specialized instruction in the role of diet and bioactive food components as modifiers of cancer incidence and tumor behavior. The practicum is research-based and is open, at no cost, to graduate students, RDNs, and students enrolled in an ACEND-accredited supervised practice program or combined with undergraduate or graduate studies. The application deadline for the practicum is 11/30/18.

    August 21, 2018

    • FDN is proud to be serving our weekly seminar lunches using sustainable cutlery, plates, and cups. More information can be viewed on the FDN Facebook post on 8/20. Along with the use of environment-friendly utensils, faculty, staff, and students can help by:
      • Bringing your own water bottle
      • Using your own reusable plates and cutlery
      • Supplying side dishes with reusable food wraps rather than saran wrap
      • Preventing food waste by taking home leftovers in reusable containers

    August 14, 2018

    • Part-time RDN employment positions are currently available through Confidence, Ownership, Responsibility, and Exercise (CORE). CORE is a high-intensity interval training fitness, family-centered nutritional counseling and behavior modification intervention delivered to obese adolescents to reduce the risk for chronic health issues. Details about the positions can be found here.

    August 7, 2018

    • Several hundred homeless children in Athens-Clarke County begin the new school year without adequate supplies. I am affiliated with an organization that is collecting and donating backpacks and binders (the 2 most needed items) for elementary, middle, and high school students. If you would like to donate binders no longer needed in your office/lab, please drop them by Room 390 Dawson Hall (there is a bin outside the door). I will be collecting these until Friday, 8/10.

    July 24, 2018

    • The Georgia Dietetic Foundation (GDF) is seeking a student/intern who is interested in serving as the Student Liaison on the GDF board for the 2018-2019 year. If interested, please email Barbara Hopkins at The student’s email should include an introduction, qualifications, and reason(s) why s/he would like the position, along with a resume as an attachment. Deadline for submission is 8/17. 

    June 26, 2018

    • The "So Easy to Preserve" books (6th ed., revised by Elizabeth Andress and Judy Harrison) were back in stock last Friday, and the online Extension Publications Store ordering site is open. The books are sold for $20 per copy (or $18 per copy if 12 or more are purchased at one time).

    June 19, 2018

    • A respondent on the Kudos Corner survey suggested, "Maybe include pictures of students at volunteer events." This is a great idea, and photos are welcome. Submit content to by Monday of each week to be included in Tuesday’s email.

    May 22, 2018

    • An idea was shared via the online survey that the Kudos Corner could be used as a platform to highlight "FDN practice tips" from our faculty who are RDs or from faculty willing to share content related to their area of expertise (e.g., related to food prep, a favorite recipe, or other expert advice pieces for students). This section could serve as a "revolving door of advice and recommendations from experts in our department." Faculty, please email your expert content pieces, favorite recipes, etc., to, and these will be incorporated into the weekly emails. Thank you!

    May 16, 2018

    • Please spread the word about a study being conducted in our department (PI: Rick Lewis). The UGA Clinical & Translational Research Unit is now enrolling for a research study focusing on bone health in boys ages 12-17 years, either with or without autism. See the recruitment flyer linked here for details.

    May 8, 2018

    • The CURO research assistantship applications for the fall semester are due on 6/1 by 4:00 pm. Details can be found on this page.

    May 1, 2018

    • An idea was shared via the Kudos online survey that the Kudos Corner could be used as a platform to highlight new programs/courses being developed (though these are not awards per se, these are indeed major accomplishments). Please email any courses or activities that you consider accomplishments to, and they will be incorporated into the weekly emails. Thank you!

    April 24, 2018

    • Reminder: All FDN faculty, staff, and students are invited to email for inclusion in the weekly Kudos Corner emails. Please submit content by Monday of each week to be included in Tuesday's emails.
    • ICYMI: The 2018-designed 'What the Kale' SDA t-shirts are here! You do not have to be a member of SDA to purchase one. Contact Emily Owen at <>.

    April 17, 2018

    • Summer Student Jobs Alert: Campus Catering is hiring multiple positions for a May-August employment window with the potential to become a permanent employee. Visit the employment application, here.

    April 10, 2018

    • The UGA Career Center is hosting their 2nd day of ‘Grad Pics with Hairy Dawg’ on 4/11 from 11:00 am - 1:30 pm. Please pass this along to graduating seniors.

    March 27, 2018

    • Our SDA is hosting a canned food/hygiene product drive until Wednesday, 4/4. The donation bin is located outside of Emma Laing's office (Dawson 390). Below is a list of the products that are being collected for a local community organization:
      • Canned goods (e.g., fruits, vegetables, protein sources [including beans and meat, such as Spam, fish, or chicken])
      • Non-perishable foods (e.g., packets of tuna, uncooked pasta or rice)
      • OTC medications (e.g., PeptoBismol, Tums, Benadryl, Neosporin, bug spray, sunscreen)
      • Personal care items (e.g., chapstick, soap, deodorant, socks)
      • Baby care supplies (diapers, baby wipes)
      • Cleaning supplies (e.g., Lysol wipes, all-purpose sprays, large sized trash bags)
    • The CURO Symposium poster session will be held from 4:30-6:30 p.m. on 4/9. More information about the CURO Symposium can be obtained at this link.
    • Reminder: Please take a few moments to complete the annual Kudos Corner survey and share your anonymous feedback about the effectiveness of our weekly Kudos emails and archive web page. Your feedback will help inform the way this information is shared in the future. Access the 2018 Kudos Effectiveness Survey here.

    March 20, 2018

    • Please take a few moments to complete the annual Kudos Corner Survey and share your anonymous feedback about the effectiveness of our weekly Kudos emails and archive web page. Your feedback will help inform the way this information is shared in the future. Access the 2018 Kudos Effectiveness Survey here.

    March 6, 2018

    • Reminder: FDN is one of the sponsors of The School Lunch Challenge, which will be held on Saturday, 3/24, from 12-1:30 pm at Whitehead Road Elementary School. Event details can be viewed here (Facebook) and here (website).

    February 27, 2018

    • FDN is one of the sponsors of The School Lunch Challenge, which will be held on Saturday, 3/24, from 12-1:30 pm at Whitehead Road Elementary School. Event details can be viewed here (Facebook) and here (website).

    February 20, 2018

    • Reminder: The FACS 100 Coffee and Conversation event sponsored by the FDN Alumni Committee will take place THIS Saturday, 2/24, at 10:00 - 11:30 AM in Room 116 Dawson Hall. Delicious Jittery Joe's Coffee will be served! ☕
      • If you have been gathering 'old and new' photos to share during this event, please paste them directly onto the ppt presentation, linked here. Many thanks to those who have already submitted photos.

    February 13, 2018

    • Reminder: Mark your calendars for the FACS 100 Coffee and Conversation event sponsored by the FDN Alumni Committee. This event will take place on Saturday, 2/24, at 10 AM - 11:30 AM in Room 116 Dawson Hall. The event information is linked here. If you have been gathering 'old and new' photos to share during this event, please paste them directly onto the powerpoint presentation, linked here. Many thanks to those who have already submitted photos!

    February 6, 2018

    • The Office of Dietary Supplements at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) is accepting applications for the Mary Frances Picciano Dietary Supplement Research Practicum taking place 5/30–6/1, at the NIH campus in Bethesda, Maryland. For more information about the practicum and how to apply, visit the practicum website.

    January 30, 2018

    • Mark your calendars! The FACS100 Coffee and Conversation event sponsored by the FDN Alumni Relations Committee will be held on Saturday, 2/24. This event celebrating the FDN FACS100 recipients will take place from 10 AM - 11:30 AM in Room 116 Dawson Hall. Enjoy conversation and refreshments with the FDN FACS100 recipients, alumni, faculty, and graduate students, as well as a brief presentation that highlights FDN’s programs. There will also be a tour of select labs in Dawson Hall. RSVP to by 2/16, and please spread the word about our Coffee and Conversation event, linked here.

    January 16, 2018

    • Applications are currently being accepted for the Rita Waters Scholarship and Holly B. Alley Scholarship awarded each year by the Georgia Nutrition Council to a college student in Georgia. Each is a $500 scholarship award for Juniors, Seniors, or Graduate students who are Georgia citizens. Criteria for selection include: scholastic rating, professional potential, leadership based on participation in college and community activities, contributions to field of food/nutrition revealed by college activities, and an accurate and complete application. Completed applications must be postmarked by 2/15 (linked here is the application packet).

    January 9, 2018

    • Attn: teaching faculty and graduate student instructors! Please take a few moments to share this brief presentation with your classes this week to promote our FACS centennial kickoff event, the Athens MLK Day of Service, which will be held on 1/15/18.
      • Please encourage your students to register (and register yourself!) for a service project by visiting this site. Be sure to snap a photo of yourself performing a service activity on this day and use the hashtag #FACS100 so we can track these and post them on our website. Click here for more information about this important FACS sponsored event.

2017 Categories (listed in chronological order)

  • December 19, 2017

    Ruth Schade’s competitive research internship in Germany was highlighted in the ‘International education’ section of Honors, the magazine of the UGA Honors Program (see Kudos 12/12 and 3/28). The Fall 2017 edition of the magazine is in print only, but a screenshot of Ruth's story can be viewed here.

    Also appearing in the Fall 2017 edition of Honors magazine is a head shot and quote from Nutritional Sciences major Liana Mosley. A screenshot of Liana can be viewed here.

    The FACS 100 honorees appeared in a news story posted on 12/7.

    Photos from the FACS Convocation on 12/15 were posted on the FACS Flickr and Facebook pages.

    Emily Selph’s 12/18 post on the Walk GA blog, titled “Navigating Holiday Parties,” is linked here and was also shared on Facebook.

    Elizabeth Andress was featured in the UGA Online Learning Facebook post on 12/19, titled "How to ensure homemade gifts are safe to eat this holiday season."

    December 12, 2017

    Elizabeth Andress and the NCHFP have been featured in the media on several occasions this holiday season. Below are recent appearances:

    "Fried turkeys are moist, but they can cause a fire emergency" (also see Kudos 11/21): Online Athens on 11/21 (and on the front page print version on 11/22), and in eGaMorning on 11/22

    "Be sure homemade gifts are safe to eat:" Growing Georgia on 11/30

    "Cooking options for a low-stress holiday season" (also see Kudos 11/21): UGA Online Learning web and Facebook post on 12/12

    "Holiday Hazard: ‘Canned’ bread a recipe for botulism poisoning:" Food Safety News and eGaMorning on 12/12 (This was also tweeted out on 12/12 by Bill Marler of Marler Clark, The Food Safety Law Firm, which specializes in foodborne illness)

    "CDC's Holiday Food Safety Twitter chat:" #CDCFoodChat on 12/6

    Our seminar speakers on 11/29 were FDN graduate students Kendall Farr, Rebecca Gould, Allie Lindke, Liana Rodrigues, and Emily Unwin. A photo was posted to our Facebook page.

    Student Dietetic Association service chair, Kathryn Elizabeth Kear, led a successful service effort at the SDA meeting on 11/30 that benefited many Athens Little Free Pantry locations. The pantries provide food and supplies to homeless and financially disadvantaged members of our community. The SDA service project was featured in an article published in FACS News and on Facebook on 11/30.

    An article about Accelerated MS student Ruth Schade receiving the highly competitive DAAD Research Internship in Science and Engineering in Germany (see Kudos 3/28/17) was published on 12/7. This story was published in FACS News and on Facebook on 12/7.

    November 21, 2017

    Judy Harrison was invited to appear in three Thanksgiving Food Safety radio spots with Rod Bain from USDA for the USDA Radio. They aired 11/9, and can be accessed at this link.

    Flagpole Magazine ran a piece on 11/15 that mentions UGA SNAP-Ed’s involvement with the FVRx program, titled "Fall Feasts Raise Funds for SNAP and Other Programs."

    UGA Today published a story on 11/15, titled "Feeding seniors across Athens," which references a 2010 study conducted in the FDN department. The story was also posted in eGaMorning on 11/16.

    Our seminar speakers last week were Ruth Schade, Alexis Carraway, Yura Son, Julie Heejin Jeon, and Michael Francis. Photos were posted here on 11/16.

    Elizabeth Andress was quoted in two articles this week posted originally in CAES Media Newswire:

    "Fried turkeys are moist, but they can cause a fire emergency:" CAES on 11/16, FDN Facebook on 11/16

    "Cook ahead and freeze holiday meals and treats:" CAES on 11/16, Online Athens on 11/19, FDN Facebook on 11/19, FACS Facebook on 11/21

    Judy Harrison contributed to an article titled, "All of your food safety questions answered!" for the Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities’ website, Agriculture is America. This website highlights the impact and value of Land Grant Universities’ work to serve Americans.

    November 14, 2017

    Photos from Caree Cotwright's 2017 FDNS 4660S Chopped Challenge, along with the winning recipes [S'mores Granola (group 5) and Mexi-Hummus (group 3)], were posted on the FDN and FACS Facebook pages on 11/8.

    Our seminar speakers last week were FDN graduate students: Yuta Ishikawa, Alex Marquardt, Camaria Welch, Hannah Wilson, and Hannah Winston. Photos can be viewed in the FDN Facebook post on 11/9.

    Jamie Cooper was quoted in Consumer Reports in the article, “6 Holiday Foods That Are Healthier Than You Think.” The article also appeared in eGaMorning on 11/10.

    Judy Harrison was pictured in UGA’s article, “A really good fit,” which highlights her work in bringing military veterans into farming through the Farm Again program. The article was also shared on the FACS Facebook page and in eGaMorning on 11/10.

    Mary Ann Johnson was highlighted in a post by UGA Online Education on 11/10. The post is linked here.

    November 7, 2017

    This past week's Seminar speaker was Dr. Jin-Ran Chen. Photos from his presentation were highlighted on the FDN Facebook page on 11/3.

    VeryVera founder and FACS grad, Vera Stewart, along with RD/journalist Carolyn O'Neil, were guest lecturers in Caree Cotwright's class on 10/31. Photos can be viewed on Flickr, and on the FACS and FDN Facebook pages.

    October 31, 2017

    Caree Cotwright was featured in FACS News on 10/25 in the article titled, "Cotwright committed to fight against childhood obesity." The story was also posted on the FDN Facebook page on 10/31.

    This past week's Seminar speaker was PhD student Kristine Polley. Photos from her presentation were highlighted on the FDN Facebook page on 10/26.

    Hannah Wilson and Ali Berg wrote the article “Swapping ground turkey for beef: Is it always the best choice?” that was posted on the Walk Georgia Blog and on the FDN Facebook page on 10/27.

    Hannah Wilson’s blog post titled “Put a Healthy Spin on Game Day” (see Kudos 10/17) was featured in Online Athens on 10/27, in the Rockdale Citizen on 10/26, and in eGaMorning on 10/30.

    Rhea Michelle Bentley, UGA Extension - Columbus/Muscogee County FACS Agent and County Extension Coordinator, and her colleague, American Cancer Society Client Navigator, Holly Ayres, were on the news on 10/24 for their "Cooking for a Lifetime of Cancer Prevention" program. View the news clip linked here. The news clip was also posted on the FDN Facebook page on 10/25.

    October 25, 2017

    Photo albums from FACS Week (10/14-10/20), including the Celebrating Excellence Luncheon and Dogs with the Dean events, can be viewed on the FACS Flickr site and Facebook page.

    Ec Henley, Laurel McKinney Sanville, Jennifer Fleming, Julie Knight-Brown, Katie Potts, and Maria Breen, were invited to serve on the 'NEGDA Panel' at the SDA meeting on 10/18. Photos can be viewed on the FDN Facebook page.

    Mary Ann Johnson and FDN alumna Aimilia Papakonstantinou had a surprise reunion in Argentina at the International Congress of Nutrition (see below under ‘Presentations’). Photos were posted on the FDN Facebook page on 10/20.

    Many FDN faculty, students, and alumni attended the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Food and Nutrition Conference and Expo (or FNCE) this past week in Chicago, IL. Photos and stories were shared on the FDN Facebook page on 10/22, linked here.

    This past week's Seminar speaker was Jason Zastre, associate professor in the UGA College of Pharmacy. Photos from his presentation were highlighted on the FDN Facebook page on 10/23.

    Caree Cotwright's photo on the cover of the FACS Magazine was featured on the UGA Online Facebook page on 10/24.

    October 17, 2017

    The Student Dietetic Association (SDA) was featured in a story posted on FACS News and on the FACS Facebook page on 10/12. Both past and upcoming SDA meetings were highlighted, and the following FDN individuals were mentioned: Barbara Grossman; Laurel Sanville; Taylor Newman; SDA president, Ayshia Ranjitsingh; SDA vice president, Neal Holliday; SDA faculty advisor, Emma Laing; and current dietetic interns/FDN alumni Larkin Kelly, Christine Swearingen, Jennifer Fleming, and Maria Breen.

    FDN Seminar speaker Amy Goss was highlighted on the FDN Facebook page on 10/16. Posted photos include Amy's seminar lecture on Wednesday, the FDN Alumni Committee Meet & Greet event on Thursday, and a lecture for Emma Laing's MNT class on Friday.

    Hannah Wilson wrote the article, “Put a Healthy Spin on Game Day,” which was posted on the Walk Georgia Blog and on the FDN Facebook page on 10/13.

    Photos from the homecoming tailgate on 10/13 are posted on the FACS Facebook page. Photos highlight the Peer Nutrition Educators (PNE), along with many of our faculty, staff, and students.

    October 10, 2017

    FDN alumna Courtney Vickery visited Emma Laing’s Medical Nutrition Therapy-I class this week to discuss components of electronic charting and her experiences as a clinical and wellness dietitian. Photos from Courtney's visit were shared on the FDN Facebook page on 10/9.

    This past week's Seminar speaker was PhD/DI student Carolina Cawthon. Photos from Carolina's presentation were highlighted on the FDN Facebook page on 10/4.

    October 3, 2017

    MS/DI alumna Katie Norris just launched her new business titled "The Healthy Goat." Katie provides a diabetes e-learning course, online health coaching, meal planning, and other support services. Visit The Healthy Goat Facebook page and website to learn more. Katie's new venture was shared on the FDN Facebook page on 9/26.

    FDN Seminar speaker Lawrence Reagan, Professor and Vice Chair in the Department of Pharmacology, Physiology and Neuroscience at the University of South Carolina School of Medicine, was highlighted on the FDN Facebook page on 9/28.

    The online version of the Fall 2017 edition of FACS Magazine, featuring Caree Cotwright on the cover (see Kudos 9/26), is now available at this link.

    September 26, 2017

    Elizabeth Andress was quoted in the Pocono Record on 9/5 in the article “Home canning, freezing allows your garden to keep giving” (also see Kudos 9/19). The article was posted in eGaMorning on 9/18.

    Research by Leann Birch was showcased in FACS News on 9/20, titled “Study: interventions during infancy may help reduce later obesity risk.” This article was also posted to the FACS Facebook page on 9/21.

    Caree Cotwright is on the cover of the Fall 2017 issue of FACS Magazine that was just distributed! A terrific photo of Caree holding the magazine can be viewed on the FACS Facebook page. Be on the lookout for other FDN students, alumni, and faculty also mentioned/pictured in this issue: Ruth Schade (student); Maria Breen, Donna Martin, Janice Giddens, Joe Kindler, Dorothy Dupree, Amy Goss, Cindy Culver, Marie Spano, Nikki Hawthorne, Nathalie Celestin, Nicki Motoyasu, Kelli Dunagan (alumni); Mary Ann Johnson, Jamie Cooper, Jung Sun Lee, Judy Harrison, Leann Birch, Joan Fischer, Tracey Brigman, Bill Flatt, Lilian Sattler (faculty).

    Mary Ann Johnson was featured in the ‘Kudos’ section of Columns on 9/25.

    FDN Seminar speaker Mary Cogswell was highlighted on the FDN Facebook page on 9/24.

    September 19, 2017

    University of Georgia Online featured a faculty profile of Elizabeth Andress on 9/14, prompted by her appearance in a local Pennsylvania newspaper. Dr. Andress’ profile was also shared on the FDN Facebook page on 9/14.

    SNAP-Ed team member Jennine Delane appeared in a video on 9/14 created for an online article in Newsweek. Jennine is featured in the first 19 seconds of the video. Many of us have seen the origin of this clip in the Food eTalk video “Tips for Buying Bread.” Congratulations on your Newsweek stardom, Jennine!

    Leann Birch was featured in Columns on 9/18 and in eGaMorning on 9/19 for her role as the new director of the UGA Obesity Initiative.

    FDN Seminar speaker Benoit Chassaing was highlighted on the FDN Facebook page on 9/13.

    September 13, 2017

    Jamie Cooper and Chad Paton's research on walnuts (see Kudos 8/14 and 6/20) was mentioned in Food Dive on 8/31 and in eGaMorning on 9/1.

    The NIH grant recently awarded to Leann Birch and colleagues (see Kudos 9/5) was featured in UGA Today on 9/6 and in eGaMorning on 9/7.

    FDN alumna Melissa Hayes (BSFCS '96) appears in the current (Fall 2017) issue of the Georgia Magazine. Melissa is the co-founder and president of The Good Kitchen, an antibiotic-, GMO-, and hormone-free meal delivery service in Charlotte, NC. A photo was posted to the FDN Facebook page on 9/5.

    Elizabeth Andress was quoted in CAES Newswire on 9/7 in the article titled, “Stock emergency food and water supplies in preparation for storms.” This story was also shared in Online Athens, eGaMorning, FACS News, and on the FACS and FDN Facebook pages.

    Whitni McConnell, FDN alumna, FDNS practicum instructor, and RDN/Nutrition Education Coordinator at the UGA Health Center, was featured in the Red & Black on 9/6 re: "Making breakfast a priority." This story was also in eGaMorning and on the FDN Facebook page.

    Seminar speakers were recently highlighted on the FDN facebook page:

    Ben Chapman on 9/7

    Jennifer Orlet Fisher on 8/31 

    Randy Hammond on 8/23

    Reminder to Faculty, when you host seminar speakers, please email 1-3 photos of their presentations to

    September 5, 2017

    Lauren Coheley was quoted this week in in the article, “9 Things You Should Know Before You Go Vegetarian.”

    August 29, 2017

    Rob Pazdro, Emma Laing, FACS Ambassadors, and SDA student leaders participated in the FACS Leadership Retreat on 8/25-26. Photo albums were posted on the FACS Facebook page (on 8/25 and 8/26), and can also be found on the FACS Flickr page.

    Hayley Sanders, a senior on the UGA Gymnastics Team and a double major in dietetics and consumer foods, had the opportunity to study abroad in the British Isles this past summer (the program was under the direction of Jamie Cooper). Hayley writes about her "Life Changing Experience" related to this program, here.

    August 22, 2017

    One of our programs included in the USDA Rural Cancer Prevention Education grant (PD: Ali Berg) that occurred in Mitchell County, GA, was featured on

  • December 12, 2017

    Alex Anderson, Caree Cotwright, Claire de La Serre, Emma Laing, Jamie Cooper, Joan Fischer, Robert Pazdro, and Tracey Brigman, have been nominated by at least one graduate in UGA’s Class of 2017 as individuals who have contributed greatly to their career development and success. As part of the UGA Career Center Career Outcomes Survey, students and recent alumni were asked to identify UGA faculty and staff who have had a significant, positive impact on their career decision-making process. These faculty have been recognized as such individuals. Congratulations!

    FDN undergraduate students Jordan Dailey, Madeleine Snidow, Emily Jones, Danny Kwak, Caitlin Bascle, and Bailey Dickinson, were selected as FACS Featured Graduates this December. Their profiles can be viewed on the FACS Flickr page and on Facebook leading up to Friday’s convocation ceremonies. Jordan Dailey and Emily Jones have also been chosen to serve as Marshals for our department during the FACS Convocation on Friday. Congratulations!

    We are beyond proud of the FDN faculty and staff who were selected as the FACS 100 Centennial Honorees. These recipients were selected because they “embody conviction and commitment to the ideals of the college, and through vision and hard work have been instrumental in advancing our ability to serve students and enrich lives through our mission her at UGA.” They will be recognized for their contributions at the FACS 100 Gala on February 24th, 2018.

    Current and Emeritus FDN faculty and staff: Carolyn Ainslie, Elizabeth Andress, Cliff Baile, Carolyn Berdanier, Caree Cotwright, Connie Crawley, Joan Fischer, Barbara Grossman, Art Grider, Tonya Harris, Judy Harrison, Mary Ann Johnson, Rick Lewis, Becky Mullis, Bill Flatt, and Roy Martin

    Other recipients nominated by FDN or FDN alumni: Donna Martin, Josephine Martin (Honor Hall), Shelly Nickols-Richardson, Mary Speirs (Honor Hall), Eleanor Pryor (Honor Hall), Maude Pye Hood (Honor Hall), Lenna Gertrude Judd, and Vera Stewart

    November 21, 2017

    Congratulations to Nutritional Sciences major Evan Johnson for being selected as the AT&T scholarship award recipient at the Blue Key Honor Society award ceremony on Friday evening, 11/17. A photo of Evan and Dean Fox can be viewed here.

    Belated congratulations to Rebecca Gould for receiving the June and Bill Flatt Nutrition Excellence Graduate Fellowship, the Ruth Rowan Morrison Graduate Endowment in Nutrition Studies, and the Anne and Earl Haltiwanger Scholarship from FACS for the 2017-2018 academic year.

    November 14, 2017

    Leann Birch and Jessica Smith are authors on an award-winning poster presented at the Obesity Society Annual Meeting in Washington DC (10/30-11/2), titled “Differences in sleep duration among African American formula-feeding and White breastfeeding infants.” The poster was selected for recognition in the category of Pediatric Obesity at the conference. Co-authors include: Paige Berger (lead), Justin Lavner, and Olivia Shealy. A photo of the research team and poster can be viewed here.

    Claire de La Serre was selected as one of UGA’s Featured Faculty. Her bio page was published by UGA on 11/12, and has been shared on the FDN and FACS Facebook pages on 11/13, and in eGaMorning on 11/14.

    Sarah Stotz received an early career professional travel award under the Food and Nutrition category during the APHA Annual Meeting and Expo in Atlanta, GA (11/4-11/8).

    October 3, 2017

    Carolina Cawthon was awarded the Patsy Jane O'Malley Memorial Scholarship from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Foundation.

    Caroline Finn, an undergraduate student in Claire de La Serre’s lab, was recently awarded a CURO assistantship.

    September 26, 2017

    FDN alumna Ann Craven received the 2017-2018 Josephine Malone Scholarship from Emory University Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing. A photo of Ann receiving her award was shared on the FDN Facebook page on 9/22. Congratulations, Ann!

    Septebmer 19, 2017

    Marina Tandoh, PhD student in Dr. Anderson's lab, was selected to attend the upcoming World Food Prize in Des Moines, Iowa, 10/16-10/20. The World Food Prize is "the foremost international honor recognizing -- without regard to race, religion, nationality, or political beliefs -- the achievements of individuals who have advanced human development by improving the quality, quantity, or availability of food in the world." Marina submitted an essay in a competition to attend this conference. Ten BHEARD students were selected to attend on the basis of geographical diversity, gender balance, and field of study. Congratulations, Marina!

    August 29, 2017

    UGA welcomes Leann Birch as the new director of the Obesity Initiative. The story was shared in FACS News on 8/24, and on the FDN and FACS Facebook pages.

    ​Leann Birch, Ph.D., Director of the UGA Obesity Initiative, is William P. Flatt Professor in the Department of Foods and Nutrition at The University of Georgia. Her research focuses on individual and contextual factors affecting the development of individual differences in the behavioral controls of food intake and obesity risk among infants, children, and adolescents. In recent years, her research has focused on conducting randomized controlled trials, which have been successful in reducing early obesity risk. These interventions, designed to influence maternal caregiving, infant feeding, sleeping, and crying, prevented excessive weight gain in infancy and reduced the prevalence of overweight during infancy and early childhood. She is the author of more than 250 publications and has been awarded more than $30 million in federal research funding. Dr. Birch received her PhD in Psychology from the University of Michigan and served on the faculty at the University of Illinois and the Pennsylvania State University before joining the UGA faculty in 2014.

    August 22, 2017

    Judy Harrison is the 2017 recipient of the Elmer Marth Educator Award from The International Association for Food Protection (IAFP; see Kudos 5/25/17). This award is presented by IAFP to an individual for outstanding service to the public, IAFP and the arena of education in food safety and food protection. A photo of Judy receiving this award at the IAFP annual meeting is linked here.

    MS/DI alumna Dorothy Dupree received a Student Travel Scholarship to attend the IAFP annual meeting in Tampa, FL. She received the award at the opening session of the conference in July. A photo of Dorothy receiving her award is linked here.

    August 16, 2017

    In recognition of her honorable and distinguished service at The University of Georgia, Joan Fischer has been approved for emeritus status by President Morehead. Congratulations, Joan!

    July 26, 2017

    Elizabeth Carroll has been named the 2017 Epsilon Sigma Phi (ESP) Alpha Beta Chapter Excellence in Support Service Award in the state staff category. There are also winners in the Extension district categories, but Elizabeth won for all state staff! The award will be presented at the ESP state meeting awards luncheon at the GA Center on 8/8. This announcement was also shared on Facebook, here.

    June 27, 2017

    Taylor Newman is currently featured as UGA’s Amazing Student (published on 6/25). Taylor's Amazing Student profile was shared in eGaMorning, on the FDN and FACS Facebook pages, in FACS' Featured People, and on UGA's Twitter page. Jung Sun Lee, Mary Ann Johnson, and Leann Birch are mentioned in her bio. Congratulations, Taylor!

    Elizabeth Andress will receive the 2017 Continued Service Award from Epsilon Sigma Phi (ESP; Southern Region). She will receive her award at the ESP National Conference, which will be held 10/9-10/12 in Wilmington, NC. Congratulations, Elizabeth!

    Claire de La Serre has accepted the invitation to serve on the editorial board for the American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology. Congratulations, Claire!

    June 20, 2017

    Lauren Coheley has been selected as the 2017-2018 recipient of the Foods and Nutrition Departmental "Katz Family Gift." This gift provides funding to partially support a graduate student who has outstanding academic credentials and who is working in a research area related to integrative and functional medical health. Congratulations, Lauren!

    Edda Z. Cotto-Rivera has been selected to receive the Diversity/Multicultural-Individual award (Southern Region) from Epsilon Sigma Phi (ESP). Edda will receive her award at the ESP National Conference, which will be held 10/9-10/12 in Wilmington, NC. Congratulations, Edda!

    “Staying Halal: Avoiding Pork” is an educational project developed to educate Iraqi refugee women in DeKalb County, GA, about ways to identify the presence of pork and its by-products in the US merchandise they use or consume. The educational content was instrumental in making necessary changes in the list of ingredients used to demonstrate recipes as part of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistant Program Education (SNAP) classes. The “Food Talk” nutrition series was effective in promoting a healthier lifestyle, budgeting and meal planning while following halal guidelines.

    June 6, 2017

    Taylor Newman was offered the new student representative position on the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Legislative and Public Policy Committee. She will begin her term while attending the Academy's Public Policy Workshop, which will take place 6/25-26 in Washington DC. Congratulations, Taylor!

    May 25, 2017

    UGA SNAP-Ed was recently recognized at the Partnership for a Healthier America's Building a Healthier Future Summit for their commitment to the Team FNV campaign. Many articles have mentioned UGA SNAP-Ed's involvement, including this one. At the Summit, the UGA group was preceded on stage by Bill Clinton, and Michelle Obama closed out the event, so it received a lot of attention. A short video of the star-studded FNV campaign can be found here. A terrific photo of Austin Childers on stage can be viewed on our Facebook page. Congratulations to all members of the UGA SNAP-Ed team!

    Judy Harrison was named the recipient of the Elmer Marth Educator Award from the International Association for Food Protection. Congratulations, Judy! Judy also received correspondence on 5/17 from the Provost congratulating her on this honor.

    Jung Sun Lee learned that she will receive the 2017 Joint Korean Society of Community Nutrition and Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior’s Achievement Award at the 2017 SNEB Annual Meeting, which will take place 7/20-24 in Washington, DC. Congratulations, Jung Sun!

    May 16, 2017

    FDN alumnus Joe Kindler was selected by the Alumni Society of the College of Health and Human Development at Penn State University to receive their 2017 Emerging Professional Award. The award honors alumni who have graduated within the past ten years and who have demonstrated professional excellence and exemplary voluntary community involvement in a health and human development field.

    Mary Ann Johnson has been appointed as Director of the Obesity and Weight Management certificate program for the next three years.

    Carolina Cawthon has been named the recipient of the 2017 Northeast Georgia Dietetic Association student scholarship award.

    May 9, 2017

    Sarah Catherine Black was profiled on 5/7 as one of UGA’s Amazing Students. In her feature, she mentions Ginnefer Cox, Katherine Ingerson, and Bev Hull.

    A photo album of all FDN Featured Graduates is on Facebook, and includes:

    Sarah Stotz

    Sarah Catherine Black

    Annette Washington

    Ashley Gerken

    Annie Ladisic (also delivered the Student Perspective at the FACS Convocation)

    Amanda Farzad (also served as a Marshal at the FACS Convocation)

    Joy Maduka (also served as a Marshal at the FACS Convocation)

    Joe Kindler (also served as a Marshal at the FACS Convocation)

    A photo album of all FACS Featured Graduates is on Flickr.

    May 2, 2017

    FDN "Featured Graduate" profiles recently posted to the FACS Facebook page, include:

    Joe Kindler

    Joy Maduka

    Annie Ladisic

    Sarah Catherine Black

    April 25, 2017

    Amanda Farzad's profile is on the FACS Facebook page as one of our Featured Graduates. Congratulations, Amanda!

    April 18, 2017

    Caree Cotwright’s CURO student, Camaria Welch, won the Best Poster Award at the 2017 CURO Symposium. Her poster was entitled: “Needs Assessment to Assess the Use of a Mobile Food Pantry in the Early Care and Education (ECE) Setting.” Her project focuses on providing service learning to conduct food demonstrations and provide recipes at the Food Bank of Northeast Georgia's Mobile School Food Pantry locations. The mobile pantry is unique because many fresh fruits and vegetables are provided. The demos have helped improve participants' willingness to try fruits and vegetables. Camaria’s project involves using survey and interview data to assess how the model could be used in the child care setting. Congratulations, Camaria!

    The College has recommended that the following FDN students receive scholarships for the 2017-2018 academic year:

    Hannah Urban: Glenn and Helen Burton Feeding the Hungry Scholarship and the Ruth Rowan Morrison Graduate Endowment in Nutrition Studies

    Sunhye Lee: Glenn and Helen Burton Feeding the Hungry Scholarship and the Ruth Rowan Morrison Graduate Endowment in Nutrition Studies

    Carolina Cawthon: Ruth Rowan Morrison Graduate Endowment in Nutrition Studies and the Anne and Earl Haltiwanger Scholarship

    Elizabeth Klingbeil: Ruth Rowan Morrison Graduate Endowment in Nutrition Studies and the Anne and Earl Haltiwanger Scholarship

    Jiyoung Kim: Glenn and Helen Burton Feeding the Hungry Scholarship and the Ruth Rowan Morrison Graduate Endowment in Nutrition Studies

    Lauren Coheley (also see Kudos 4/11): Sharon Boone Hamner Foods and Nutrition Scholarship and the Ruth Rowan Morrison Graduate Endowment in Nutrition Studies

    Sepideh Kaviani: Glenn and Helen Burton Feeding the Hungry Scholarship and the Ruth Rowan Morrison Graduate Endowment in Nutrition Studies

    Taylor Newman: Anne and Earl Haltiwanger Scholarship and the Ruth Rowan Morrison Graduate Endowment in Nutrition Studies

    These students have been invited to attend the Welcome Back event on 8/23 to celebrate all FACS scholarship and award recipients, as well as the Celebrating Excellence Luncheon on 10/20. Congratulations!

    April 11, 2017

    The College has recommended that Lauren Coheley receive two scholarships for the 2017-2018 academic year: the Sharon Boone Hamner Foods and Nutrition Scholarship and the Ruth Rowan Morrison Graduate Endowment in Nutrition Studies. Lauren has been invited to attend the Welcome Back event on 8/23 to celebrate all FACS scholarship and award recipients, as well as the Celebrating Excellence Luncheon on 10/20. Congratulations, Lauren!

    Sarah Stotz received funding from the UGA Graduate School for travel to the Experimental Biology (EB) conference later this month. Sarah is competing in a poster competition and has an oral presentation at EB. Congratulations, Sarah!

    Honors Week and FACS Convocation student recognition events are just around the corner. Below are the students from FDN receiving special honors (for more information, see the Dean's Update 4/11):

    Presidential Award of Excellence: Joy Maduka

    Delivery of Student Perspective at the FACS Convocation: Annie Ladisic

    Congratulations to the new officers of the Foods and Nutrition Graduate Student Organization for the 2017-2018 school year:

    President: Elizabeth Klingbeil

    Vice President: Marina Tandoh

    Secretary: Jiyoung "Sammy" Kim

    Treasurer: Ruth Schade

    April 4, 2017

    Ruth Schade was selected for Honorable Mention in the Goldwater Scholarship competition. Congratulations, Ruth!

    Rebecca Rasmussen (UGA Soccer) was one of several FACS students recently named to the fall 2016 Southeastern Conference Academic Honor Roll. This honor exemplifies outstanding commitment to both academic and athletic standards of excellence. Congratulations, Rebecca!

    Congratulations to the recipients of the 2017 college-level awards:

    Alex Anderson, Outstanding Faculty Advisor (see Kudos: 3/3/17)

    Claire de La Serre, Early Career Faculty Research Award

    Jung Sun Lee, PI, and entire SNAP-Ed team, Chris Todd Outstanding Outreach Award

    Congratulations to the FDN members elected to serve on the 2017-2018 Northeast Georgia Dietetic Association (NEGDA) board:

    President: Lauren Coheley

    President-Elect: Carolina Cawthon

    Past-President: Beth Kindamo

    Secretary: Holly Samples

    Treasurer: Connie Crawley

    Professional Development Chair: Emily Selph

    Professional Development Chair-Elect: Jessica Harris

    Nominating Committee: Courtney Still (Chair), Jennifer Fleming, and Elizabeth Klingbeil

    Congratulations to the 2017-2018 officers of the Student Dietetic Association:

    President: Ayshia Ranjitsingh

    Vice President: Neal Holliday

    Secretary: Wells Ross

    Treasurer: Brooke Datelle

    Social Chair: Syndey O'Donnell

    Service Chair: Kathryn Kear

    PR Chair: Emily Owen

    Communications Chair: Lauren Tinkey

    March 28, 2017

    Ruth Schade was selected for the DAAD RISE internship program. It is a competitive Research Internship in Science and Engineering in Germany with a 3-month stipend. Congratulations, Ruth!

    Emma Laing has been appointed to Membership Chair of the NHEP (Nutrition Educators of Health Professionals) dietetic practice group of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

    March 21, 2017

    Sarah Stotz received the 2017 Endsley-Peifer Student Research Award from the College of FACS. She will be recognized at the Celebrating Excellence Luncheon in October 2017. Congratulations, Sarah!

    Several FDN faculty and students were honored at the 2017 Georgia Academy Annual Conference and Exhibition, which took place 3/15-16:

    Outstanding Student in DPD Program: Alexis Carraway

    Outstanding Student in DI Program: Carolina Cawthon

    Emerging Dietetic Leader: Courtney Still

    Outstanding Educator in DPD Program: Emma Laing

    Special Recognition Award: Joan Fischer

    The Northeast Georgia Dietetic Association did a wonderful job highlighting each honoree's powerpoint slide as they were shown at the meeting! You can view the slides on the NEGDA Facebook page, linked here.

    March 14, 2017

    Carolina Cawthon won the overall poster competition at the Georgia Nutrition Council (GNC) conference in Augusta on 3/3. 

    Ruth Schade won the poster competition in the graduate student category at the GNC conference. 

    Sarah Stotz has been selected to participate as a finalist in the American Society for Nutrition's Emerging Leader Poster Competition. This event was created to highlight the very best research submitted by students and young investigators to ASN's Scientific Sessions. 

    March 3, 2017

    Annette Washington has been invited to participate as a finalist in the American Society for Nutrition’s Young Minority Investigator Oral Competition at the Experimental Biology (EB) conference in April. Annette was selected as 1 of 6 finalists nationwide. If you will be attending this year's EB conference, the date and time of her presentation is below. Congratulations, Annette!

    The oral competition will be held Saturday, April 22, 11am – 12:45 pm, in Room S102BC of the McCormick Place Convention Center.

    As a finalist, Annette also presented and competed in a poster competition at the Georgia Nutrition Council conference in Augusta on 3/3.

    Alexis Carraway, a senior dietetics major, has received the 2017 Outstanding Student in a DPD program award from GAND (the Georgia Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics). She will receive this award on 3/16 in Savannah at the annual meeting of the organization. Congratulations, Alexis!

    FDN alumnus Zach Gruenwald was notified that he is the recipient of the 2017 Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics SCAN (Sports, Cardiovascular and Wellness Nutrition) Research Grant Award. Congratulations, Zach!

    Congratulations to FDN members newly elected to the GAND board:

    Whitney Bignell, Secretary

    Marilyn Wright Yon (FDN alumna), Treasurer-Elect

    Bev Hull has been selected as the recipient of the FACS Staff Advisor of the Year Award. Congratulations, Bev!

    Alex Anderson has been selected as the recipient of the FACS Faculty Advisor of the Year Award. Congratulations, Alex!

    February 24, 2017

    Silvia Giraudo has been chosen to serve on the UGA President's Task Force on Student Learning and Success. The development of this task force was announced in President Morehead's 2017 State of the University Address. Silvia is a member of the Integrating Instruction and Campus Life Committee.

    Carolina Cawthon was selected to receive this year's Outstanding Dietetic Student-Intern Award from the Georgia Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (GAND). Carolina will be recognized at the GAND Annual Conference and Exhibit luncheon on 3/16 in Savannah.

    Carolina was also chosen as the 2017 Georgia Nutrition Council (GNC) Holley B. Alley Scholarship winner. She will receive her scholarship award on 3/3 at the GNC Annual Conference in Augusta. Congratulations on your many achievements this week, Carolina!

    February 17, 2017

    Claire de La Serre received the news that she was nominated for the 2017 Center for Undergraduate Research Opportunities (CURO) Research Mentoring Award. This award recognizes outstanding faculty who use CURO opportunities to consistently engage students and enhance undergraduate research experiences at UGA. If Claire is selected as a recipient of this award, she will be one of two faculty recognized during the Keynote Session of the annual CURO Symposium and will receive a monetary prize to provide further support for mentoring undergraduate research endeavors.

    Silvia Giraudo has been appointed to serve on the UGA Program Review and Assessment Committee (PRAC). PRAC is composed of 30 faculty members who represent UGA's academic community. Silvia's term will be 8/1/17 through 7/31/19.

    Barbara Grossman has been selected to serve on UGA’s new Interprofessional Education (IPE) Leadership Committee. This is a high level, campuswide committee that will oversee UGA’s initiative to extend profession-specific educational efforts to interprofessional collaborative education.

    Emma Laing was notified that she is the recipient of the 2017 Nutrition and Dietetic Educators and Preceptors (NDEP) Area 3 Outstanding Dietetic Educator Award. Area 3 encompasses AL, AR, FL, GA, LA, MS, SC, and PR. She will accept her award at the NDEP regional meeting in Louisville, KY in April.

    February 3, 2017

    Jung Sun Lee has been selected to receive the first ever "Mid-Career Award" from the American Society for Nutrition's Nutrition Education & Behavior Science Research Interest Section (NE&BS RIS). The award will be presented during the NE&BS RIS business meeting at this year’s Experimental Biology conference in Chicago, IL. Congratulations, Jung Sun!

  • December 12, 2017

    • Art Grider has been selected as the recipient of the $3,500 Sweaney Innovation Fund award for 2018. He will use the award to cover the estimated cost of developing three-dimensional animated videos to augment Nutritional Biochemistry lectures and increase the students' understanding of complex biochemical and physiological nutrition-related processes. His project, “Enhancing Understanding of Nutritional Biochemistry through Three-Dimensional Videos,” will enhance the learning of iron absorption, metabolism, and gene regulation in FDNS 4100/6100 Micronutrient Nutrition. Congratulations, Art!

    November 14, 2017

    • Leann Birch is a Senior Co-I on the INSIGHT $3.3 million competing renewal awarded by NIDDK. The INSIGHT Study in collaboration with Penn State University is a randomized, controlled trial testing a Responsive Parenting intervention. Results to date have demonstrated efficacy in preventing obesity through age 2 years, but the long-term effects of this intervention on weight, parenting, and child behavior-related outcomes are unknown. This newly awarded research will evaluate these outcomes in an observation-only extension that will follow children through age 9 years. Congratulations, Leann!

    October 31, 2017

    • Lilian Sattler received the official news that she is the recipient of the Georgia CTSA KL2 funding for her program titled, “Effect of dietary approaches to stop hypertension eating pattern on hemodynamic markers in advanced heart failure patients.” This is a highly competitive mentored career development award, and her KL2 mentorship team includes: Drs. Rick Lewis and Henry Young (UGA), Dr. Murrow (AU/UGA Medical Partnership), and Drs. Quyyumi and Dunbar (Emory University). Congratulations, Lilian! 

    October 25, 2017

    • Rick Lewis, Emma Laing, and Lauren Coheley, along with researchers in HDFS (Assaf Oshri), KINS (Pat O’Connor), and FDST/FoodPic (Kirk Kealey), received the news that their project, “Egg Consumption, Skeletal Health, and Cognition in Obese and Normal Weight Children: A Randomized-Controlled Feeding Trial,” was funded by the Egg Nutrition Center.

    October 10, 2017

    • Rob Pazdro received a one-year R56 project, entitled "A Systems Approach to GDF11 and its Effects on Cardiac Hypertrophy," that was funded by the NIA. Congratulations, Rob!
    • Congratulations to the students listed below who were awarded the Carolyn Berdanier Undergraduate Research Grant. This grant program affords students the opportunity for mentored participation in basic science research, thereby stimulating student interest and involvement in scientific inquiry.
      • Emily Owen
        • Title: A Genetic Basis for Age-Related Cellular Senescence
        • Research mentor: Rob Pazdro
      • Shriya Bhatnagar
        • Title: Application of In Silico Mapping of Phenotypic Data for Heart Disease
        • Research mentor: Rob Pazdro

    October 3, 2017

    • Jung Sun Lee received news of the official approval for the FY2018 UGA SNAP-Ed Grant from the GA DHS. The total approved budget for this SNAP-Ed grant is $3.6M. Congratulations to Jung Sun and the entire SNAP-Ed team!
    • Claire de La Serre is PI on a grant that was recently funded by the Alliance for Potato Research & Education. The title is “Efficacy of potato resistant starch on improving gut microbiota composition, inflammatory profile, and insulin signaling in high fat fed rats.” Congratulations, Claire!
    • Two research groups in the department learned that the CTRU Seed Grant Review Committee selected their grant proposals for funding for FY18:
      • “Autism Spectrum Disorder: The Role of Diet, Physical Activity, and Gut Microbiome on Bone Strength." Rick Lewis is the PI and the co-investigators include: Emma Laing, Claire De la serre, and Assaf Oshri (from UGA), Karen Loechner and Allison Fialkowski (from Emory University), and Rachel Duckham (from Deakin University).
      • “Development of an evidence-based eLearning nutrition education and supplemental Georgia-grown produce dissemination model to improve food security and health of medically underserved Georgians.” Jung Sun Lee is the PI and the co-investigators include: Sarah Stotz, Vibha Bhargava, Jennifer Thompson, and Deborah Murray.

    September 5, 2017

    • Leann Birch is co-investigator on a $3.3 million NIH grant recently awarded to study the use of digital technology to promote health and physical activity in young people. Associate Professor in the UGA Department of Advertising Sun Joo (Grace) Ahn is the PI on this project titled, “The Virtual Fitness Buddy Ecosystem: Using Digital Technology to Promote and Sustain Moderate-to-Vigorous Intensity Physical Activity in Children.” The goals of this project are to offer a fully integrated flow of information between children and parents so that they may move together toward a common goal of increasing moderate-to-vigorous intensity physical activity. The project will evaluate the ecosystem’s efficacy as an affordable and easily transferable primary prevention program to promote and sustain moderate-to-vigorous intensity physical activity in children in this critical age group. Congratulations to you and your team, Leann!

    August 22, 2017

    • Leann Birch (PI) and Justin Lavner (Co-PI), Assistant Professor in the UGA Department of Psychology, received the news that their four-year $2.7 million R01 project was selected for funding by the NIDDK. In collaboration with the UGA Center for Family Research and Augusta University Medical Center, this project will examine whether providing mothers of newborns with responsive parenting guidance to promote infant sleep and soothing can reduce rapid weight gain for African American infants born in low SES contexts. It will also examine the risk and protective factors that may affect program efficacy. The intervention will represent an important step in efforts to reduce obesity risk among low income African Americans. Congratulations, Leann!

    August 16, 2017

    • Rob Pazdro received the news that his R01 project, "Defining the Genetic Architecture of the Glutathione Redox System," was selected for funding by the NIGMS. Rob and his team will use forward genetics to map genes that govern GSH and its associated cofactors (NADPH, NADH) in disease-relevant tissues, and they will use gene editing techniques to validate the most compelling candidate genes in vivo. Rob is the PI on this grant and the Co-Is are Drs. Gary Churchill, Dan Gatti, and Rick Maser from the Jackson Laboratory, and Dr. James Stanton from the UGA Department of Pathology. The project officially began on 8/1. Congratulations, Rob!

    June 20, 2017

    • Ali Berg along with team members, Casey Mull and Diane Bales, received an Extension Innovation Award. The title of their project is “A Proposal for Developing County Faculty to Conduct an Extension Research Project.” This project was one of only 15 funded to implement a program that would impact areas of high need. Congratulations!

    May 9, 2017

    • Hea Jin Park received notification that her Faculty Research Grants Program request for funding was approved in support of her research, "Green Tea as a Phytochemical Therapy for Traumatic Brain Injury." Funds for this research will be provided by the UGA Research Foundation. Congratulations, Hea Jin!

    April 25, 2017

    • Lauren Coheley and Marina Tandoh each received a 2017 Innovative and Interdisciplinary Research Grant from the UGA Graduate School. This program was established as part of a strategic initiative to support innovation and interdisciplinarity in the research being conducted by doctoral students. Congratulations, Lauren and Marina!

    April 18, 2017

    • Rick Lewis and Emma Laing are Co-investigators on a funded proposal from Deakin University titled, “What is the association between dietary intake, bone health and gut function in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder?” Other investigators include Rachel Duckham (PI), Wei-Peng Teo, Sharon Lee-Brennan, and Christine Rodda.

    February 24, 2017

    • Lilian Sattler received the news that her grant, "The Role of Nutritional Intake, Food Insecurity, and Medication Adherence in Heart Failure Hospital Readmissions," was awarded by the UGA College of Pharmacy Dean’s Pharmacy Special Endowment Fund. This 2017-2018 project is led by Lilian as Principal Investigator and by Jonathan Murrow, Campus Associate Dean of the AU/Medical Partnership, as Co-Investigator. Congratulations!

    February 17, 2017

    • The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation has funded the award, "Examining the Degree of Implementation of Healthy Beverage Policies in Child-Care Programs in Georgia to Inform Health Promotion." This project is led by Caree Cotwright as Principal Investigator and Leann Birch as Co-Investigator. More information about this project is linked here. Congratulations!
  • November 21, 2017

    • Lynn Bailey has an article in press in the Annals of the NY Academy of Science. The citation is: Garrett G and Bailey, L. A Public Health Approach for Preventing Neural Tube Defects: Folic Acid Fortification and Beyond, Annals of the New York Academy of Science, In Press.

    November 14, 2017

    • Alex Anderson is senior author on a paper currently in press in the Journal of Community Health (published online 11/11). The title is, "Trends and factors associated with breastfeeding and infant sleep practices in Georgia," and co-authors are Trina Salm Ward and Florence Kanu. The article is linked here.
    • Alex Anderson is also a co-author on a book chapter in “Africans and Globalization: Linguistic, literary, and technological contents and discontents.” The chapter is titled “Nutrition and women's empowerment for human capital development in Mali.”
    • Leann Birch and her research group were notified on 10/26 that their manuscript was accepted for publication in Pilot and Feasibility Studies. This publication details results of infant feeding and growth data from pilot work conducted 2014-2106 in Dr. Birch’s Child Nutrition Laboratory at River's Crossing. The title of the paper is, “Early risk factors for rapid growth and obesity among low-income African American formula-feeding infants: a pilot study,” and the co-authors are Paige Berger (lead), Justin Lavner, and Jessica Smith.

    November 7, 2017

    • Claire de La Serre’s research team learned that their paper, "Blueberry supplementation influences the gut microbiota, inflammation, and insulin resistance in high fat diet-fed rats," has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Nutrition. The co-authors on this paper are: Sunhye Lee, Katherine Keirsey, Rebecca Kirkland, Zachary Grunewald, and Joan Fischer.

    October 31, 2017

    • Lilian Sattler and Yuta Ishikawa have published an article in Current Nutrition Reports (available online and will be in print in December). The citation is: Ishikawa, Y & Sattler, ELP. Dietary patterns and cardiovascular disease prevention among patients with diabetes. Curr Nutr Rep (in press), 2017.
    • Lynn Bailey and Dorothy Hausman currently have a paper in press in the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. The citation is: Bailey, LB and Hausman DB. Folate status in women of reproductive age as basis of NTD risk assessment. Ann N Y Acad Sci (in press), 2017.ctober 31, 2017

    October 19, 2017

    • Claire de La serre is a co-author on an article recently accepted for publication in the Journal BBA Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids, titled "Effects of high-fat diet and age on the blood lipidome and circulating endocannabinoids of female C57BL/6 mice." The authors include: Sumitra Pati; Saritha Krishna, Jung H Lee, Matthew K Ross, Claire de La Serre, Donald A Harn, Jr., John J Wagner, Nikolay M Filipov, and Brian S Cummings.
    • FDN alumnus Norman Pollock and his group at Augusta University published a paper titled, “Phylloquinone Intake Is Associated with Cardiac Structure and Function in Adolescents” in The Journal of Nutrition (2017; DOI: 10.3945/jn.117.253666). This paper has received media attention in the popular press on 10/2 in Science Daily and on 9/30 in the Augusta Chronicle, among others. 

    September 19, 2017

    September 13, 2017

    • Rick LewisEmma LaingAli Berg, and Diane Hartzell are co-authors on a paper recently accepted for publication in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. The title is, “A 12-Week Lifestyle Program to Improve Cardiometabolic, Behavioral, and Psychological Health in Hispanic Children and Adolescents," and the lead author is Sami Yli-Piipari from the UGA Department of Kinesiology.
    • FDN alumna Marie Spano is lead author on a new book, "Nutrition for Sport, Exercise, and Health." This news was shared on the FDN Facebook page on 9/8.

    August 22, 2017

    July 26, 2017

    • Rick Lewis and colleagues learned that their paper "Obese Versus Normal-Weight Late-Adolescent Females have Inferior Trabecular Bone Microarchitecture: A Pilot Case-Control Study" was accepted for publication in Calcified Tissue International. A link to the paper is here.

    June 27, 2017

    • Hea Jin Park is corresponding author on two papers recently accepted for publication. The citations are below:
      • Park H. J., Bailey L., Shade D., Hausman D., Hohos N., Meagher R.B., Kauwell G.P.A., Lewis R.D., Smith A. K. Distinctions in gene-specific changes in DNA methylation in response to folic acid supplementation between normal weight and obese women of childbearing age. Obesity Research & Clinical Practice, In Press.
      • Shade D.C., Park H.J., Hausman D., Hohos N., Meagher R.B., Kauwell G.P.A., Kilaru V., Lewis R.D., Smith, A.K., Bailey L. DNA methylation changes in whole blood and CD16+ neutrophils in response to chronic folic acid supplementation in women of childbearing age. International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research, In Press.

    June 20, 2017

    • Leann Birch is senior author on the high-impact publication, “Mother-Infant Room-Sharing and Sleep Outcomes in the INSIGHT Study” published in Pediatrics. A link to the paper is here. This publication has received notable media attention that has (so far) included The New York Times on 6/19 and NPR on 6/5.

    May 9, 2017

    • Rick Lewis' group was notified that their manuscript was accepted for publication in the Journal of Nutrition. The citation is: Andrea Lobene, Joseph Kindler, Nathan Jenkins, Norman Pollock, Emma LaingArthur Grider, Richard Lewis. Zinc supplementation does not alter indicators of insulin secretion and sensitivity in black and white female adolescents. 2017, J Nutr, In Press.
    • Jun Sun Lee's group recently published a manuscript in the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. The citation is: Claudette Bailey and Jung Sun Lee. Overweight and obesity, weight perception, and weight management practices among Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program–Education (SNAP-Ed) participants in Georgia: A needs assessment. 2017, J Nutr Educ Behav, 49:422-426. The PDF of this paper is linked here.

    May 2, 2017

    • Claire de La Serre is a co-author on the article “Energy-dense diet triggers changes in gut microbiota, reorganization of gut‑brain vagal communication and increases body fat accumulation” in Acta Neurobiol Exp. The citation and abstract can be found at this link.
    • Claire de La Serre and Carolina Cawthon are co-authors on the article “Diet-driven microbiota dysbiosis is associated with vagal remodeling and obesity” in Physiol Behav. The citation and abstract can be found at this link.

    April 18, 2017

    March 14, 2017

    • Joe KindlerEmma LaingDorothy Hausman, and Rick Lewis are authors on a paper recently accepted for publication. The citation is: Kindler J.M., Pollock N.K., Laing E.M., Oshri A., Jenkins N.T., Isales C.M., Hamrick M.W., Ding K.H., Hausman D.B., McCabe G.P., Martin B.R., Hill Gallant K.M., Warden S.J., Weaver C.M., Peacock M., Lewis R.D. The IGF-I-cortical bone relationship is moderated in children who are insulin resistant. 2017 J Bone Miner ResIn Press

    March 3, 2017

    • Claire de La Serre and Carolina Cawthon are authors on a paper recently accepted for publication. The citation is: Diet-driven microbiota dysbiosis is associated with vagal remodeling and obesity. T Sen, CR Cawthon, BT Ihde, A Hajnal, PM DiLorenzo, CB de La Serre, K Czaja. 2017 Physiology & Behavior, In Press. Claire is the corresponding author.
    • The manuscript “The National Osteoporosis Foundation’s position statement on peak bone mass development and lifestyle factors: a systematic review and implementation recommendations,” on which Rick Lewis is a co-author, was recognized as one of the top 5 most downloaded articles in Osteoporosis International for 2016. The article has been downloaded more than 6,300 times since its publication on 2/8/16.

    February 17, 2017

    • Rick LewisJoe Kindler, Emma Laing, and Dorothy Hausman are co-authors on a paper that has been accepted for publication in Nutrition & Metabolism. The citation is: Giudici K.V., Kindler J.M., Martin B.R., Laing E.M., McCabe G.P., McCabe L.D., Hausman D.B., Martini L.A., Lewis R.D., Weaver C.M., Peacock M., Hill Gallant K.M. Associations among osteocalcin, leptin and metabolic health in children ages 9-13 years in the United States. 2017, Nutrition & Metabolism, In Press.
    • Art Grider, Rick Lewis, and Emma Laing received the news that their paper “In Silico Analysis of MicroRNA Regulation of Bone Development: Metal Response Element-Binding Transcription Factor 1 and Bone Signaling Pathways" has been accepted for publication in the Austin Journal of Nutrition & Metabolism. Abhijeet Bakre from the UGA Department of Infectious Diseases is also a co-author.

    February 3, 2017

    • Jamie Cooper and colleagues published a paper in January 2017 titled "Running Performance with Nutritive and Non-Nutritive Sweetened Mouth Rinses" in the International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. The link to the abstract is here.

    January 20, 2017

    • Alex Anderson and colleagues published a manuscript on 1/6 in the Journal of Human Lactation. The paper, "Long-term breastfeeding in African American mothers: a positive deviance inquiry of WIC participants," can be accessed at this link.
  • November 21, 2017

    • Hea Jin Park delivered two presentations in Korea in November. She was invited to give a talk at the 2017 Korean Nutrition Society 50th Anniversary International Conference, which was held Nov 2-3 in Seoul, Korea. Her talk was about oral intake of green tea catechins for mitigation of inflammation and oxidative stress in animal disease models. She also delivered another presentation at Ewha Womans University on Nov 1. Photos can be viewed here.
    • Whitney Bignell guest lectured in Emma Laing's MNT class on 11/15 on the topic of enteral nutrition. Photos can be viewed here.

    November 14, 2017

    • Angie Garcia guest lectured for Emma Laing's MNT class on 11/10 on the topic of gluten and celiac disease. Photos can be viewed on the FDN Facebook post on 11/10.
    • Several members of our SNAP-Ed team presented at the APHA Annual Meeting and Expo in Atlanta, GA (11/4-11/8). In attendance were Sarah Stotz, Mona Habibi, Jung Sun Lee, and Vibha Bhargava (FHCE). The team was busy delivering poster presentations and oral presentations and facilitating round table discussions. The list of presentations is below (Thank you to Mona Habibi for sharing this news!). Photos were also posted on the FDN Facebook page on 11/10.
      • Stotz S, Shannon J, Wei Y, Akin J, Lee JS. Piloting the feasibility of photovoice and geographic information system methods to inform development of a Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education (SNAP-Ed) smartphone-based nutrition education eLearning program to enhance a PSE approach. (Oral Presentation)
      • Habibi M, Slagel N, Stotz S, Lee JS. Exploring nutrition education and obesity prevention needs among Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education (SNAP-Ed) eligible Georgian adults. (Oral Presentation)
      • Lee JS, Bhargava V. Feasibility of State Aging Administrative data to examine the impact of Older Americans Act Nutrition and other Home-and Community-based programs in Georgia. (Poster Presentation)
      • Bhargava V, Lee JS. Association between food insecurity and healthcare expenditures of families (Round Table Discussion)
    • Lynn Bailey presented two folate-related talks as an invited speaker at a conference held at the Universidad Evangelica Boliviana in Santa Cruz, Bolivia earlier in November. In addition to her research-based presentations, Dr. Bailey met with university administrators and toured clinical sites for a potential new FDN study abroad program, and spoke with students interested in coming to UGA as exchange or graduate students. She also attended the International Birth Defects Conference for Developing Countries held in Bogota, Colombia, November 8-11th and presented an invited talk in the Symposium “Folate Status in Women and Neural Tube Defect Prevention.” Photos from Dr. Bailey's travels were posted on the FDN Facebook page on 11/14.
    • In addition to the poster listed in the ‘Awards received’ section above, Leann Birch and her group presented a second poster at the Obesity Society annual meeting in Washington, DC (10/30-11/2), titled “Correlations between reports of infant feeding cues and feeding practices by race and feeding mode.” Co-authors include: Paige Berger (lead), Justin Lavner, and Jessica Smith.
    • Claire de La Serre was invited to The University of Alabama on 11/9 to give the Orman Harris Lecture titled, "The bug-gut-brain axis and feeding behavior." Photos from her presentation can be viewed on the FDN Facebook page posted on 11/11.

    November 7, 2017

    • Jung Sun Lee, Edda Cotto-Rivera, and Austin Childers will be presenting a Webinar for SNEB on 11/14 at 2:00pm EST. The Webinar is co-sponsored by the ASNNA Social Marketing committee and is free for both members and non-members to attend. This presentation will be a “how to” on targeting online advertising based on location data. The full write-up including title, description, and more details on how to attend can be found at this link.

    October 31, 2017

    • Alex Anderson delivered a presentation at the Faculty Scholarly Meeting for the Augusta University and UGA Medical Partnership on 10/27. The title of his presentation was, “Why don’t American women breastfeed?” The flyer used to promote his talk is linked here.
    • Sarah Stotz delivered an oral presentation at the Qualitative Health Research conference in Quebec City, Canada, last week. The citation is: Stotz SA, Hall J, Lee, JS. (2017) A Mixed-Methods Formative Evaluation Using Low-Income Adults’ Experiences with a Smartphone-Based Nutrition Education Program.” Jori Hall, collaborator and faculty in the COE, attended this meeting as well and presented an oral abstract that she co-authored with Caree Cotwright. Photos were posted on the FDN Facebook page on 10/30.
    • Jamie Cooper delivered an oral presentation at the Recent Advances and Controversies in the Measurement of Energy Metabolism conference 10/20-22 in Fribourg, Switzerland, titled "Determining the accuracy and reliability of indirect calorimeters utilizing the methanol combustion technique." Sepideh Kaviani was a co-author on this study presentation.
    • Lynn Bailey attended the International Congress of Nutrition held in Buenos, Aires, Argentina, Oct 15-20, and delivered several presentations. One of these was titled, “Assessment of folate insufficiency in women of reproductive age as a basis of neural tube defect risk reduction in low- and middle-income countries.” In addition, Dr. Bailey met with the international Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation-funded Micronutrient Forum Committee that she chairs, titled “Folic acid and Neural Tube Defect Reduction.” Photos of her time in Argentina were shared on the FDN Facebook page on 10/30.

    October 25, 2017

    • The International Union of Nutrition Scientists held their 21st International Congress of Nutrition in Buenos Aires in October. More than 50 countries were represented. As President of the American Society for Nutrition, Mary Ann Johnson represented the US and helped strengthen relationships with other nutrition societies including the Korean Nutrition Society. Traveling with Mary Ann was Terry Centner from UGA who presented policy research on beef and pork production in the EU and US. See post on the FACS Facebook page on 10/21.

    October 17, 2017

    • Claire de La Serre was an invited speaker at UGA's mini symposium on antibiotic resistance on 10/13. Claire discussed her research on the relationship between microbiota in the body and the relation to diet. A story about the symposium was advertised in the Red & Black, on the FDN Facebook page, and in eGaMorning.
    • Attention students! SDA is hosting a panel discussion featuring members of NEGDA and other area nutrition professionals on Wednesday, 10/18. The guests are from various specialties within the field of of dietetics, and include: EC Henley, Laurel Sanville, Jennifer Fleming, Julie Knight-Brown, Jessica Ebert, Katie Potts, and Maria Breen. This meeting will be an interactive panel, so please come with questions! Please also spread the word to others who might wish to attend. The meeting is listed as a FACS Event, on the UGA Master Calendar, and on the FDN Facebook page.

    October 3, 2017

    September 19, 2017

    • FDN Department Chair, Lynn Bailey, was an invited speaker at multiple conferences held for physicians in 3 different cities in China the week of 9/11, National Birth Defect Prevention Week. The topic of Dr. Bailey’s presentations related to the importance of ensuring peri-conceptional supplemental folic acid. This is a topic of major national concern because the birth rate is China is expected to skyrocket since millions of Chinese women are now planning to conceive their second child. To view photos of Dr. Bailey’s visit to China, visit our Facebook post from earlier today.

    June 27, 2017

    • Caree Cotwright presented a poster at the 2017 Biennial Childhood Obesity Conference in San Diego, CA, on 6/1. The title was:
      • A Community-Based Model to Improve Implementation of Wellness Policies and Increase Nutrition Education in the ECE Setting (Authors: Cotwright CJ, Bales DW, Lee JS).
    • Caree will also be presenting at the 2017 Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior Annual Meeting in Washington, DC, on 7/21. The titles are:
      • Taste & See: Improving Willingness to Try Fruits and Vegetables Among Low-Income Preschool Children; Oral Presentation (Authors: Cotwright CJ, Bales DW, Lee JS, Akin, J).
      • The Use of Entertainment Education to Teach Nutrition Messages to Preschool Children: A Feasibility Study; Poster Presentation (Authors: Cotwright, CJ, Lobene, A., Eckhardt, L., Delane, J, Celestin, N).

    June 20, 2017

    • Haley Bradley successfully defended her MS thesis on 6/7. A photo is linked here.
    • Members of our SNAP-Ed team will be presenting at the following conferences this summer and fall:
      • SNEB Annual Meeting, Washington, DC (7/20-7/24):
        • Sanville, L., Hibbs, J., Cotto-Rivera, E., Habibi ,M., Moore, J., Lee, J.S. Development of a Farmers Market Based SNAP-Ed Nutrition Education Curriculum: Food Talk: Farmers Market.
        • Stotz, S., Sanville, L., Achitelli, R., McConnell, W., Lee, J. S. Development of a healthy weight management SNAP-Ed Nutrition Education Curriculum: Food Talk: Better U.
      • APHA Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA (11/4-11/8):
        • Stotz S, Shannon J, Wei Y, Akin J, Lee JS. Piloting feasibility of photovoice and geographic information system methods to inform development of a Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education (SNAP-Ed) smartphone-based nutrition education eLearning program to enhance a PSE approach.
        • Habibi M, Slagel N, Stotz S, Lee JS. Exploring nutrition education and obesity prevention needs among Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education (SNAP-Ed) eligible Georgian adults.
        • Bhargava, V., Lee, J. S. Feasibility of State Aging Administrative data to examine the impact of Older Americans Act Nutrition and other Home-and Community-based programs in Georgia.
        • Bhargava, V., Lee, J. S. Association between food insecurity and healthcare expenditures of families (Round Table Discussion).
      • NAEYC Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA (11/15-11/18):
        • Bales, D., Cotwright, C. J., Lee, J. S. Evaluating the effectiveness of a multi-dimensional collaborative outreach project to improve nutrition and physical activity in ECE: Results from the Healthy Child Care Georgia Project.

    June 6, 2017

    • Elizabeth Andress and FDN alumna (and former GAND president) Ellen Steinberg were informed that their paper was accepted for an oral presentation at the American Public Health Association annual meeting, which will take place 11/4-8 in Atlanta. The citation is: Steinberg E.K. and Andress E.L. Statewide evaluation of compliance with foodservice worker health regulatory policies in Georgia.

    May 9, 2017

    May 2, 2017

    • Reminder: The following thesis defense presentations will take place Wednesday, 5/3:

    April 25, 2017

    • Our faculty and students have been delivering excellent presentations at the Experimental Biology conference in Chicago this week! Please send your favorite photos of the conference to me, and I will create an album to share in next week's Kudos.

    April 18, 2017

    April 4, 2017

    • Photos from the 2017 CURO symposium can be viewed on the FACS Flickr and Facebook pages. Additional photos of Evan Johnson and Olivia Shealy presenting can be viewed here.

    March 28, 2017

    • Elizabeth AndressDorothy Dupree, and Kasey Christian have had a technical paper abstract accepted for presentation at the IFT meeting, 6/25-6/28, in Las Vegas. The title is: Developing a Youth Curriculum to Teach Home Food Processing to Youth. Kasey is a former member of our department through the National Center for Home Food Preservation.
    • Congratulations to Annette Washington for successfully completing her thesis defense on 3/24! Photos of her defense can be viewed here.

    March 21, 2017

    • Congratulations to Nicki Motoyasu for successfully completing her thesis defense on 3/16! Photos of her defense can be viewed here.
    • Linked here is the schedule for our department's posters and presentations at the Experimental Biology (EB) conference in April in Chicago, IL. Please check this table, and continue to make any additions/corrections to the google doc as needed.

    March 14, 2017

    • Congratulations to Dorothy Dupree for successfully completing her thesis defense on 3/13! A photo of her defense can be viewed here.
    • The Georgia Association of Family and Consumer Sciences 2017 conference will be held on the UGA campus in the Fireside Lounge in Rooker Hall on Friday, 3/31. See the 3/14 Dean’s Update for more information.
      • Elizabeth Andress will be presenting from 1:30–3:00 and will offer techniques for planning, organizing and delivering food demonstrations as part of nutrition education programs.
      • The Peer Nutrition Educators will be presenting from 3:15–4:00 on how the program assists students with making wise food decisions to last a lifetime.  
    • Linked here is the schedule for our department's posters and presentations at the Experimental Biology (EB) conference in April in Chicago, IL. Please check this table, and make any additions/corrections to the google doc. I will be happy to make changes to the table if you prefer to email your edits to me.

    March 3, 2017

    • Joan Fischer spoke at a workshop entitled "More than an apple a day" about bioactive components in fruits and vegetables at the annual Georgia Organics Conference and Expo on 2/17, in Atlanta.
    • Emma Laing presented on "The often confusing and overwhelming principals of nutrition" at the AU/UGA Medical Partnership roundtable discussion on 2/27. These discussions bring together medical students and UGA Honors Program students in a small setting.
    • Congratulations to Sarah Stotz for successfully defending her doctoral dissertation on Wednesday, 3/1! Photos of her defense seminar can be viewed on the FDN Facebook page.*

    February 24, 2017

    February 17, 2017

    • FDN alumna Tracy (Chason) Nolan will be our featured guest at the inaugural "Coffee and Conversation" event held on 2/25 at 10:30 am. This event will take place immediately prior to the FACS Alumni Awards Luncheon. If you are willing to share our event via Facebook to spread the word/invite other FDN students, faculty, staff, and alumni, please do! The link to the Facebook event is here.
    • Two of our doctoral students will present their dissertation defenses over the next two weeks:

    February 10, 2017

    January 27, 2017

    • The Georgia Association of Teachers of Family & Consumer Sciences is hosting its annual conference 1/26-1/28 in Atlanta. Ginnefer Cox and MS/DI student Dorothy Dupree will be speaking at one of the breakout sessions. The title of their presentation is, "Taste is everything, or is it? Sensory science in the classroom."
    • The 2017 CURO Symposium will be held at the Classic Center in downtown Athens on 4/3 and 4/4. Submit an abstract online (submission deadline is 2/10). The 2016 Berdanier Undergraduate Research Grants Program recipients are required to present their findings at the CURO symposium.

    January 20, 2017

    • Ginnefer Cox will be speaking to the Northeast Georgia Dietetic Association membership about sensory analysis at their February meeting on 2/7.

    January 6, 2017

    • Congratulations to Jung Sun Lee and Sarah Stotz who were notified this week that their program proposal, "eLearning and Nutrition Education for Lower-Income Audiences," has been accepted for presentation at the 2017 SNEB Annual Conference in Washington, D.C. The group of experts invited by Jung Sun and Sarah to participate in this program are experts from across the country in the area of eLearning and nutrition education for low-income audiences (from SNAP, WIC, EFNEP). The session will be moderated by Adrienne Turek Markworth, MA; Leah’s Pantry, and the speakers include:
      • Barbara Lohse, PhD, RD, CDN; Wegmans School of Health and Nutrition, Rochester Institute of Technology
      • Lorelei Jones, M.Ed.; EFNEP Coordinator, North Carolina State University, Department of Agricultural and Human Sciences
      • Lauren Au, PhD, RD; University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Nutrition Policy Institute
      • Sarah Stotz, MS, RD, CDE, LD; University of Georgia Department of Foods and Nutrition
      • Jessica Silldorff, MPH; Leah’s Pantry
  • December 19, 2017

    • FDN alumnus Zach Grunewald is co-author on a paper titled, “Microvascular insulin resistance in skeletal muscle and brain occurs early in the development of juvenile obesity in pigs.” The paper is currently in press in the Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol, and the abstract is linked here.

    December 12, 2017

    • We are thrilled that we can claim FDN alumna Clara Norfleet as one of ours! Working as a clinical RD in Asheville, NC, and inspiring her over 70,000 Instagram followers for @foodfitnessandfaith has placed her in a league of her own. Learn more about Clara in our Alumni Spotlight, here.

    November 21, 2017

    • Lauren Coheley’s FACS 2000 class hosted an alumni panel on 11/16. Panelists included Maria Breen (FDN alumna and Sports Nutritionist for UGA’s Athletic Association), among other FACS alumni. Photos can be viewed on the FDN Facebook page and on FACS Flickr.
  • December 19, 2017

    • The UGA office of Student Care and Outreach works to address each student concern individually by creating customized networks of support and resources that will help students achieve their goals. For more information, visit

    December 12, 2017

    • The American Association of Family & Consumer Sciences recently announced its grants and awards for 2018. Click here to view information for the Jewell L. Taylor Undergraduate Scholarship. The due date is January 8, 2018. For more scholarship opportunities, visit this site.

    November 21, 2017

    • The deadline for CURO Research Assistantships in the spring semester ($1,000 stipend to students) has been extended. The deadline is now 12/1. The application is linked here. Applications can be submitted electronically to

    November 14, 2017

    • Do you have experience or an interest in marketing? Do you enjoy helping others, especially your fellow students? If so, we are looking for individuals to volunteer with Bulldog Basics! Bulldog Basics is a student-run initiative to provide students in need with hygiene and personal care items. We currently run out of the first and third floor unisex bathrooms of Dawson Hall. Please email if interested.

    November 7, 2017

    • Reminder: Our College has several scholarship opportunities available to all FACS students. Applications opened on 11/1/17, and will close on 3/23/18. Award notifications will be made in May. View more details about the applications, here.

    October 31, 2017

    • Experience UGA Ambassadors for the University of Georgia to the Clarke County School District will serve Spring-Fall 2018. Ambassadors will create a presence in the community through their participation in Experience UGA and School District trips and events. Experience UGA Ambassadors will enhance their leadership competency by developing skills in civic engagement, critical thinking, communication, ethical reasoning, and reflection. Service as an Experience UGA Ambassador will be included on Experiential Learning Transcripts (apply here).

    October 25, 2017

    • Scholarship opportunities are currently available to all FACS graduate and undergraduate students. Applications open 11/1/17 and close 3/23/18. Award notifications are made in May 2018. To access additional information and view the applications, click here.

    October 17, 2017

    • FACS Week is in full swing. To view the calendar of FACS Week events, visit this link. All events are noteworthy, but please pay special attention to this one(!): October 19th – Dogs with the Dean; Date: Thursday, October 19th; Time: 11:30 – 1:00 p.m.; Location: Pou’s Pillars (in front of Dawson Hall).

    October 10, 2017

    • International Student Life (ISL) is busy planning this year’s International Education Week (11/13-11/17). International Education Week is an opportunity to celebrate the benefits of international education and exchange worldwide. ISL along with the Office of International Education are partnering to develop a week-long programmatic experience for all UGA students, staff and faculty. More information will be forthcoming regarding these events, but you may indicate your interest in participating in the Parade of Flags by visiting this site.

    October 3, 2017

    • A message from Dietetics major and member of the UGA HEROs executive board, Mairead O'Hare: UGA HEROs is hosting their second annual Torch Relay that will take place from 10/17-10/21. Over the course of 5 days, we will be walking from Atlanta to Athens (73 miles!) in order to raise awareness for our kids and the stigma they still face due to being affected and/or infected with HIV/AIDs. We are opening this walk up to the public on our opening day (October 17th) and closing day (October 21st). Registration is $25 and includes transportation and a t-shirt. Proceeds go to funding quality of life programs for our children. To register, please visit this link and scroll to the bottom (This event was also shared on the FDN Facebook page on 10/3).

    September 26, 2017

    • The UGA Entrepreneurship Certificate Program prepares students to become successful and dynamic entrepreneurs in private, public, and non-profit sectors. It is also an invaluable learning opportunity for those interested in working for a startup or non-profit. The certificate is open to UGA undergraduate students from any major and provides an in-depth look at what it takes to develop an idea into a successful venture including how to build an effective team and secure funding. Click here for more information.September 19, 2017

    September 19, 2017

    • Bulldog Basics is a collaborative effort led by the Student Association of Family and Consumer Sciences. A variety of personal hygiene items are available in Dawson Hall for students to access as needed. Item donations are accepted at any time in the SSAC (112 Dawson Hall).
      • Location of personal hygiene items: Dawson Hall, 1st & 3rd floors, across from the elevator
      • Hours: Monday–Friday, 7:00 am to 7:00 pm

    September 13, 2017

    • Please continue to spread the word about the Double Dawgs dual-degree programs at UGA. FDN has several of these programs outlined on our website, linked here.

    September 5, 2017

    • The University of Georgia Career Center, in partnership with JCPenney, will be hosting Dawgs Suit Up on Sunday, September 10, 2017 from 6:30pm – 10:00pm. The purpose of this event is to offer students professional attire at deeply discounted rates. JCPenney will offer a 70% discount on select professional attire during the event for all UGA students. The UGA Career Center is also providing need-based scholarships for students who apply. If you are interested in donating to this cause, please visit this site.

    August 29, 2017

    • UGA’s International Coffee Hour is a weekly program that brings UGA students, faculty, staff, and community members together over coffee and international cuisine. Excluding scheduled University breaks, this event occurs every Friday during the fall and spring semesters from 11:30 am until 1:00 pm in the Memorial Hall Ballroom. Hosted each week by our International Student Organizations and campus departments, the UGA Coffee Hour is one of the longest running programs of its kind across the United States.

    August 22, 2017

    • FACS Career Services: As the designated FACS Career Consultant at the UGA Career Center, Brittany Smith helps students with choosing a major, resume development, career planning, interview prep, and more. Learn more about her services, here.

    August 16, 2017

    • Important news about FDN’s website and bio pages for our faculty, staff, and graduate students:
    • The bio page on our website is a platform that our college provides for faculty, staff, and graduate students to be able to showcase your accomplishments. This is essentially a "live vita" that you can share with others by simply sharing a link with potential employers, future collaborators, scholarship donors, etc. When you have accomplished something that is traditionally added to your vita (e.g., you join a committee, have a paper published, a grant funded, etc.), it is good practice to update your vita at that moment so you can keep track of the changes easily. It is also a good idea to log in and update your web bio at the same time. Please consider adopting this practice so that your web profile that others view is always up-to-date.
  • November 21, 2017

    • You will find our department chair, Lynn Bailey, in the gym three days per week, but only if you happen to be there at 5:00 am! Read her 'Focus on Faculty' profile posted on 11/21.

    November 14, 2017

    • Did you know that Jessica Smith travels extensively with her dogs, Briar Rose, Echo, and Gladdie, as they compete in sanctioned events in Georgia and beyond? The pups are highly decorated with awards, and are titled in disc, dock diving, agility, tricks, and parkour. To view photos, visit this post on the FDN Facebook page.

    November 7, 2017

    • Did you know that Carolina Cawthon started traditional karate classes in 1994, earned her black belt in 2005, and in 2008 decided to pursue full-contact/modified Muay Thai kickboxing? Between 2008 and 2010, Carolina racked up a 6-0 amateur record before deciding she was going back to school to become an RD (yes, the nutritional demands of training to compete at weight fueled her desire to learn more about nutrition!). She earned a GA title in the fall of 2009. Photos and a video of Carolina’s successes in the ring can be viewed at this link.

    October 31, 2017

    • Did you know that MS/DI student Taylor Newman interned at The White House under the Obama administration in Spring 2016? Taylor worked in the Office of Presidential Correspondence where she read constituent correspondence to the President. Her role was to delegate case work to the appropriate federal agency, with a specialization in Energy & Environment and Healthcare & Social Security casework. She served as a Lead Intern and recruited senior staff to present at a weekly speaker series for fellow interns on topics related to Women and Girls, culminating in a report addressing issues for the White House Council on Women and Girls. To read more about Taylor's experiences and view photos, visit this link on the FDN Facebook page.

    October 25, 2017

    • Barbara Grossman spent some time in Israel this past summer. She described the food throughout Israel as, "wonderful; lots of fresh salads, fruits and veggies, dolma, hummus, grilled meats!" To view photos of Barbara's trip, including the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in the old city of Jerusalem and enjoying a sampler plate at a restaurant in Haifa, visit this Facebook post on 10/24.

    October 17, 2017

    • Did you know that graduate student and PNE instructor, Katherine Ingerson, also majored in General Theatre? She spent 3 years performing in Gator Tones – the University of Florida’s singing cabaret troupe – and 2 years in the Dance in Medicine program, which is a collaborative with the University of Florida Center for Arts in Medicine. Her undergrad years were riddled with hundreds of hours in performance, stage production, costume construction, and sound design. See the FDN Facebook post on 10/17 for more!

    October 3, 2017

    • Lilian Sattler ran (and finished!) the Imogene Pass Run on 9/9. The Imogene Pass Run (IPR) is described as "an extremely difficult race for well prepared athletes." It is a 17.1 mile point-to-point mountain race within the western San Juan mountains of Colorado, run along a route that connects the towns of Ouray (7810 ft.) and Telluride (8750 ft.) by way of 13,114 foot Imogene Pass. To see photos, visit the FDN Facebook post on 10/2.

    September 26, 2017

    • Did you know that many of our students are involved in The Campus Kitchen at UGA? CKUGA is a student powered hunger-relief organization. Diana Ricketts, FDN undergraduate student and member of the CKUGA leadership team, shared some information about the organization.
      • Each week students recover over 600 lbs of food from community partners, such as Trader Joe's, The Fresh Market, and Whole Foods Market. The food is then sorted, prepared, and packaged to be delivered to clients in the Athens area. Committed student volunteers make this operation happen each week! Several FACS students including Stacy Deng, Ellen Handlan, Samara Talia Pattiasina, Diana Ricketts, and Justine Smith (Financial Planning) serve on the CKUGA leadership team.
      • Campus Kitchen recently organized a special operation to help prepare clients for Hurricane Irma. They were able to 17 deliver bags of canned goods, potable water, and flashlights to clients in need.
      • CKUGA just launched a new volunteer shift on Monday evenings. Check out the volunteer page on their website to get involved.
      • Please also view the post on the FDN Facebook page on 9/25 and share with those who might be interested in learning more.

    September 19, 2017

    • PhD/DI student Elizabeth Klingbeil started playing the cello when she was in third grade. Since then, she’s studied classical cello with professors, conductors, and composers from around the world. She has participated in multiple tours across the US and international tours to Israel and Palestine as the principal cellist of the Concordia Orchestra. She has won many awards for her classical performances. Outside of classical performance, Elizabeth has worked as a cello teacher, recording session cellist for various bands and musicians, and continues to play cello for special events. She attended her undergrad, Concordia College, on a music performance scholarship and continues to study cello here at UGA. To read more about Elizabeth’s talent and to view stunning photos of her playing the cello(!), see our Facebook post on 9/18.

    September 13, 2017

    • Art Grider was featured in Southern Distinction Magazine (Volume 5.2 2017) in the 'True Passions' section for his research and teaching, but also for his talent in playing the alto saxophone! To see the photo and story, view today's post on the FDN Facebook page.

    September 5, 2017

    • Neal Holliday, SDA vice president and dietetics and consumer foods double major, has a hidden talent as a rapper! The Red & Black featured Neal in a story on 8/26.

    August 29, 2017

    • Undergraduate dietetics student Samantha DeHart is the author of a vlog (aka video blog) titled “Eating My Elephant.” One of her video stories ‘Pain to Purpose: My Eating Disorder Story’ is linked here. Thank you for sharing your story, Samantha!
  • November 21, 2017

    • A message from FDN faculty member and current American Society for Nutrition (ASN) President, Mary Ann Johnson: ASN’s annual meeting, Nutrition 2018, will be held independently of FASEB in 2018. Nutrition 2018 will be held June 9-12, 2018 at the Hynes Convention Center in Boston. Timelines for abstracts are later than past years: Abstract submission opens: October 31, 2017; Abstract submission closes: January 18, 2018; Abstract acceptance letters sent: March 23, 2018. I hope many of UGA’s faculty, staff, and students will be attending to continue the tradition of a strong scientific presence at ASN’s annual meeting. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

    November 14, 2017

    • You will soon see a new section in Kudos Corner emails titled “Alumni Notes.” If you have news from our alumni, please invite them to share it with you or email me directly so we can include this piece in future weekly emails.

    November 7, 2017

    • The 2018 John Milner Nutrition and Cancer Prevention Research Practicum will take place March 12-16, 2018, and is now accepting applications. Faculty and students are encouraged to apply, and the application deadline is December 1, 2017. The Practicum will be held at the National Cancer Institute in Rockville, MD, the NIH Clinical Center, and the USDA Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Center. This week-long educational offering provides specialized instruction about the role of diet and bioactive food components as modifiers of cancer incidence and tumor behavior, and engages participants through didactic and interactive experiences. The intent of the Practicum is to introduce participants to current research, expose them to available research opportunities, and lay the foundation for future researchers in diet and cancer prevention.

    October 31, 2017

    • Each day, more than 41,000 meals are provided to area hungry citizens by the Food Bank of Northeast Georgia; one-quarter of these are children. However, the need for emergency food assistance traditionally increases during Thanksgiving, which requires a community wide effort. In the spirit of the holiday season, the kickoff of Hunger Bowl 2017 has commenced, and this runs through November 10th. The campaign raised over 304,000 pounds of food or 240,000 meals last year. Let's do our part in supporting this important effort! A donation bin is conveniently located in the FDN main office.

    October 25, 2017

    • On 10/23, eGaMorning noted the passing at age 103 of home economics alumna Mrs. Agnes Fischer Beers (BSHE ’43, MED ’70, EDS ’73). Mrs. Beers' obituary reveals multiple degrees from UGA Home Economics, including a six-year certificate for dietetics.
    • Learn about ways to utilize your Nutritional Sciences degree in career pathways outside of medical or health-related professional school. The workshop will be held on 11/13 from 4:00-5:00 p.m., Dawson Hall, Room 312.
    • Help our College recognize the FACS 100 Centennial Honorees by submitting your nominations here. The deadline to submit is 11/5.

    October 17, 2017

    • The Human Nutrition Lab is seeking men and women between the ages of 18-45 years with a normal body weight to test the effects of pecans in a breakfast muffin on markers of health. This study requires a total of 3 visits, with 2 of these visits being testing visits. At each testing session, participants will be provided with breakfast and will undergo 5 blood draws. In addition to monetary compensation (study pays up to $50 for complete participation), participants will learn about their body weight, height, and blood pressure. If you are interested in participating, please contact Alex Marquardt at
    • Reminder: To be included in the Kudos Corner emails each Tuesday, please email content to by Monday.

    October 10, 2017

    • The Alumni Committee cordially invites you to visit with FDN alumna Dr. Amy Goss on Thursday, 10/12, at a Morning Meet & Greet from 9:30-10:30 AM in Room 216 Dawson Hall. Coffee and light continental fare will be served at the Meet & Greet, and all students, staff, and faculty are welcome. Please rsvp to Dr. Goss will also be our Seminar speaker on Wednesday, 10/11.

    October 3, 2017

    • The 2018 Georgia Nutrition Council Conference is scheduled for 2/28–3/2/18 at the National Museum of the Mighty Eighth Air Force, Pooler, GA. The conference theme is “Eat to Win!” You are invited to submit a proposal to present at the conference. For guidelines and questions, email Barbara Collins, Past President and GNC Conference Planner, at
    • The UGA Department of Kinesiology seeks Post-Menopausal Women employees of UGA between the ages of 50-65 years who are sedentary and non-smokers to participate in a Physical Activity and Nutrition Study to examine its effects on work productivity: "Project ENERGY." Participants will be enrolled in a supervised exercise program with a small educational section regarding physical activity and nutrition for 12 weeks spread over 4.5 months. Upon completion of the project, participants can be provided with a free 2-month membership to the Center for Physical Activity and Health (CPAH), which is valued at $70.00. For more information, email or complete the qualification survey, linked here.

    September 26, 2017

    • The UGA FDN Graduate Program/Dietetic Internship will be hosting an Open House on Friday, 10/6, from 1:30-5:00 in Rm 216 Dawson Hall. Interested students, please RSVP by 10/1 to Donna Holcomb (

    September 19, 2017

    • FACS Week will take place 10/14-10/20. If you have a guest you are hosting or activity you would like to promote during this week, please let me or Cal Powell know. We will help to post/tag your event and spread the word.

    September 13, 2017

    • The Very Vera Show has several internship opportunities available:
      • Assistant to the Associate Producer of the Very Vera Show
      • Assistant to the Project Manager – The Very Vera Cookbook
      • Marketing intern for Social Media related to the Very Vera Show and Camp Program
    • There will be an Information Session for the "Foods and Nutrition in Italy Study Abroad Program" led by Jamie Cooper on Friday, 9/29, at 3:30 pm in Room 379 Dawson Hall.

    September 5, 2017

    • Reminder: The Carolyn Berdanier Undergraduate Research Grant application is now available. The application deadline is Tuesday, 9/12, and the final recipients will be recognized at the FACS award luncheon held on 10/20. The application can be found here.

    August 29, 2017

    • If you have solar eclipse glasses that you would like to recycle, I am collecting them in a bin in my office (390 Dawson Hall). I’ll be sure they get to the Astronomers without Borders program.

    August 22, 2017

    • Reminder: Please email me Kudos items by Monday to be included in Tuesday’s email (these include our new categories: 'Fun Facts' and 'UGA Service of the Week').

    August 16, 2017

    • Below are a few reminders/announcements.
      • Reminder: Please submit 'Kudos Corner' items to me by Monday of each week to be included in Tuesday’s (or sometimes Wednesday's wink Kudos emails. I don’t solicit these news items or gather them from other sources on my own, so I rely on your help to share the information with me. It might be helpful for you to designate someone from your lab/office to contact me each week, or you are more than welcome to email me directly!
      • The categories are traditionally:
        • Media appearances
        • Awards and honors
        • Grants received
        • Publications
        • Presentations
        • Other news
      • New categories: As a result of the survey distributed to faculty, staff, and graduate students in April 2017 re: the effectiveness of the kudos corner emails and web archive, you will see slight changes to this email format moving forward, which will now include:
        • Fun facts: Please submit a fun fact or personal feat, such as placing in your first 5K, that you like to run marathons, that you had your 10-year work anniversary in FDN, etc. I will highlight one ‘Fun Fact’ about one of our faculty, staff, or students each week.
        • UGA service of the week: Please submit ideas for a UGA service that I can share each week, e.g., how to get your passport application at the Tate Center or that flu shots are available at the UHC, etc. In next week’s kudos, we plan to highlight FACS Career Services offerings.
    • Though I will email a link to the Kudos effectiveness survey each year, please feel free to share your ideas and feedback with me at any time.

    August 8, 2017

    June 27, 2017

    • The 2017 "Ghana Blog" has been recently updated by students enrolled in our study abroad program. To follow along, visit this link.

    June 20, 2017

    • A paper from Rick Lewis' lab “Zinc Supplementation Does Not Alter Indicators of Insulin Secretion and Sensitivity in Black and White Female Adolescents” (see Kudos 5/9), was highlighted in Obesity and Energetics Offerings on 6/16.

    May 25, 2017

    • The promotion of our Online Master's in Community Nutrition program is now under way. Elizabeth Andress’ photo appears in the article from UGA Online that was posted earlier this week. The post was also shared on the FDN and FACS Facebook pages. Please help us spread the word!

    May 16, 2017

    • ReminderIt is an ideal time of year for faculty, staff, and students to update web bios! I scanned some bio pages recently, and several have very little information. Visit this page to update your bio.

    May 9, 2017

    April 25, 2017

    • I appreciate your valuable feedback so far on the effectiveness of these Kudos communications! There is still time to offer feedback, here.

    April 18, 2017

    April 11, 2017

    • The Northeast Georgia Dietetic Association (NEGDA) is now accepting applications for student scholarships. Graduate and undergraduate students are encouraged to apply. Applicants do need to be a member of NEGDA. For those interested applicants who are not currently members, please submit the application along with NEGDA membership form/dues. NEGDA will award a $150.00 scholarship to a student in each category. Completed applications must be postmarked by 4/17.

    March 28, 2017

    • UGA’s University Health Center BeYou program is currently recruiting peer educators for the fall. BeYou is a body positivity peer educator group that encourages students to verbally challenge the “thin idea” that is prevalent in our society and the media through interactive role plays and written exercises. If you are interested in becoming a BeYou peer educator, please click here. Applications are due Wednesday, 4/12, and you will be notified about interviews the following Monday. If you are selected to be a BeYou peer educator you will be required to attend a training session on Saturday, 8/19 from 10am-4pm. Being a BeYou educator is a year-long commitment beginning Fall 2017.

    March 14, 2017

    • Reminder: Kudos emails will be sent on Tuesdays. If you have content to share, please notify me by Monday of each week to be included.
    • The UGA Career Center will be coordinating a one-day bus trip on 3/29 from Athens to Atlanta for College of Education and College of Family and Consumer Sciences students to learn more about careers in healthcare. The trip will include stops at companies, including the Georgia Department of Public HealthShepherd Center, and Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta (CHOA) to learn about company culture and career paths. Company stops will include panel discussions, office tours and time for questions and answers. The bus will depart from Athens at 7:00 am and return ~6:00 pm on 3/29. Attendance is free; however, students will be responsible for covering the cost of their lunch. Space is limited and competitive for this trip. Please submit a resume and short response detailing how participating in this program will further your career goals. For more details and to apply (application deadline: 3/17), visit: 

    March 3, 2017

    • Reminder: *Attention graduate students! If you would like me to share images from your thesis or dissertation seminar, please send ~1-5 photos to me following the successful completion of your defense.
    • Reminder: FDN is one of the sponsors of the 3rd Annual School Lunch Challenge on March 18th. Mark your calendars! For more information, visit the 2017 School Lunch Challenge Event Page.
    • There will be not be a Kudos email sent next week. Starting the week of 3/13, Kudos emails will be sent on Tuesdays. If you have content to share, please notify me by Monday of each week to be included in Tuesday's Kudos.

    February 24, 2017

    • The 2017 American Public Health Association (APHA) annual meeting will be held in Atlanta on 11/4-11/8. The abstract deadline has been extended to March 3rd. More information about the conference can be found here.
    • *Attention graduate students! In addition to posting weekly photos/updates showcasing our seminar speakers, we will also begin sharing photos from your thesis and dissertation seminars on social media (as long as you are OK with this!). If you would like me to share images from your seminar, please send ~1-5 photos to me following the successful completion of your defense. Please also let me know if you have questions about this.

    February 17, 2017

    • The deadline for students to apply for the summer Center for Undergraduate Research Opportunities (CURO) assistantship is 3/22. The CURO research assistantship provides stipends of $1,000 each to outstanding undergraduate students across campus to actively participate in faculty-mentored research. The application is linked here.
    • The deadline for students to apply to be a FACS Ambassador is 2/24. Visit this site for more information.
    • The Northeast Georgia Dietetic Association (NEGDA) is now accepting applications for student scholarships. Graduate and undergraduate students are encouraged to apply (the deadline to apply is 4/17). NEGDA will award a $150.00 scholarship to a student in each category. For more information, visit this link.

    February 10, 2017

    • The National Danish Performance Team (NDPT) will perform at a free event on 2/21 at 7pm in the Ramsey Volleyball arena. The NDPT travels the world to stress the importance of an active and healthy lifestyle. For more information about this event, visit this link.
      • The NDPT’s visit to UGA was facilitated by the Georgia Department of Public Health and Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal’s SHAPE Initiative and in conjunction with the Eat Healthy, Be Active (EHBA) program and the UGA Obesity Initiative. Several FDN faculty are members of the UGA Obesity Initiative, and Caree Cotwright is one of the faculty members leading the EHBA program.
    • Did you know? Our Kudos Corner page is designed as an archive so that you can keep track of your media appearances, awards, and other kudos, and list these in reports and online (such as elements reports, your resume/vita, web bio, research page, etc.). Please let me know if you have questions about navigating this page.

    January 27, 2017

    January 20, 2017

    • Have you visited our Facebook page lately? Please use this page as a platform to post FDN-related news and events yourself, or like and share our posts so others know what we're up to!
    • Reminder: It's time to update your web bios. Click here to update yours by the end of this month.
    • Reminder: The UGA Center for Physical Activity and Health seminar "A more feasible (?) approach to worksite physical activity" will take place on 1/23.
    • Tomorrow's Chilly Dawg 5K is on rain or shine. Click here for an entertaining video message smile Hope to see you there!

    January 13, 2017

    • It's time to update your web bios! Click here to update yours by the end of this month. We want to impress our web viewers with our accomplishments, and it is important that our pages are up-to-date.

    January 6, 2017

    • Members of our department had a wonderful time celebrating today with Ali Berg and her husband, Dave, at her baby shower. View the photo gallery here smile
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