Niasia Ferguson
Financial Planning, Housing and Consumer Economics, Textiles, Merchandising and Interiors
Ferguson found a home at FACS the minute she walked into the drafting studio.
- Major
Furnishings and Interiors. Minor in Housing Management and Policy.
- Hometown
Lynchburg, Va.
- Activities/Honors
Graduating Magna Cum Laude, Dean’s List, National Kitchen and Bath Association (NKBA) student member, University of Georgia NKBA Student Chapter member and secretary, University of Georgia Center for Undergraduate Research Opportunities (CURO) Scholarship Recipient and Research Assistant, NKBA Georgia Designs of Distinction 2019 Gala Student Participant, REFM Excel for Real Estate Level One Certified, Children’s Ministry Volunteer at Campus View Church of Christ, Renaissance Tile & Bath Intern, Better Beans Branding Interior Design Assistant
- Why I chose my major
My interest in design started at a young age. I was always designing new clothing lines to pitch to my family or re-arranging the furniture in my bedroom every few months. While I constantly changed what I wanted to be when I grew up, my heart always came back to design. When I received my acceptance letter to UGA, I found out I was also accepted into the College of Family and Consumer Sciences. During the first day of my sophomore year, I remember walking into the drafting studio, and I knew that FACS was where I belonged. I could not be more grateful for my experience not only at the University of Georgia, but also in the College of Family and Consumer Sciences.
- What I like most about FACS
My favorite thing about FACS is how dedicated the college is not only to its students, but the university as well. There are a plethora of opportunities for students to get involved in not only the college, but the university as well. Not to mention that the professors are dedicated to helping students succeed inside and outside the classroom regardless of the student’s field of study. I wish I could have been more involved in the FACS community during my time at Georgia, and I will forever be a proud Family and Consumer Sciences alumna!
- Post-graduation plans
I have been offered a full-time interior designer position with Better Beans Branding.